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  1. Korin

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    While this kind of playstyle is few and far between it does happen and you meet all sorts of weirdos when you're playing. Certainly in a world without NPCs they tend to add a lot of colour.
  2. Korin

    Over 600 hours of Fallout 76 played... ask me anything

    The short version is the Enclave did it I'll be honest and say I didn't follow the lore that closely (as to remember it in detail anyway) which is not to say there isn't any lore. Actually, I found Fallout 76 probably did a better job with the lore (for that game) than Fallout 3 and 4 did. The...
  3. Korin

    Over 600 hours of Fallout 76 played... ask me anything

    They're in the game but probably the reason you don't see them often is because most of them aren't very good. Because of how damage resistances work, pistols (and most any light ballistic/energy damage weapon) isn't viable against an opponent that has even average resistance. Energy weapons in...
  4. Korin

    Over 600 hours of Fallout 76 played... ask me anything

    Fallout 76 is styled more like an MMO than single player, so even though a lot of the static quests are finite there are a lot of daily quests and activities, along with pvp (Survival mode/Nuclear Winter/workshops), a dungeon raid (Vault 94) and community events like meat week. There's also a...
  5. Korin

    Over 600 hours of Fallout 76 played... ask me anything

    Yes, this is real. I've been playing since open beta: I've lived through the worst Fallout release in history. I've suffered wave after wave of minor to game breaking bugs (one of which literally disabled my characters for several days). I've played when dupers were so rampant they literally...
  6. Korin

    $7 Fridge and Other Atomic Shop Atrocities

    I vaguely remember the Christmas ones. The pricing on everything Christmas related was absolutely shit. I can't recall if other holiday bundles were better. They've improved overall though, release Atom Shop prices were bonkers.
  7. Korin

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Pretty much since the dumpster fire that was release they've been really active in taking in feedback as well as fixing bugs, QoL issues and continuing to add new things. If you compare today's game to last November it's like night and day. The philosophy seems to be that Fallout 76 is a long...
  8. Korin

    Just finished the upgrade... let me know what's weird. I already noticed the missing nuclear...

    Just finished the upgrade... let me know what's weird. I already noticed the missing nuclear trefoils on the forum list. Anything else?
  9. Korin

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    Yeah, I feel you. Anyway, I'm not here to tell anyone to like Fallout 76 or that Fallout 76 isn't bad for any number of reasons. People talk a lot of nonsense about the game that just isn't true. Most of the time it's from people that either know little about it or don't even play it. Like go...
  10. Korin

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    You are mistaking that mine or anyone's play time is centered around grinding atoms... it isn't. Buying atoms doesn't save you any time. It just buys you atoms. I know what you're trying to say because I've played "free" P2W games (Lineage 2: Revolution being the most recent) and money does buy...
  11. Korin

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    I don't feel attacked, it's a legit question. There are things I like about it and things I don't. The lack of NPCs makes the universe feel pretty hollow but the game world itself is actually pretty interesting. There's a lot of stuff to do and explore, though once you reach the endgame (I have...
  12. Korin

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    I wouldn't call them cosmetic but they're not really "pay2win" either. The Unstoppables fiasco was a couple days of +15 hp if a party member wore a costume (at least one of which was available free in-game). This was about the only time I agreed with folks complaining because (in theory) if you...
  13. Korin

    Slowly getting around to upgrading NMA... buckle your nuts.

    Slowly getting around to upgrading NMA... buckle your nuts.
  14. Korin

    Sword art online was really good until they fucked it up halfway through the first season. Still...

    Sword art online was really good until they fucked it up halfway through the first season. Still don't know why it has a huge fandom unless people are just fans of like the first 6 episodes.
  15. Korin


  16. Korin

    $7 Fridge and Other Atomic Shop Atrocities

    For all the griping about the atom shop I'll say people do blow it a little bit out of proportion, you get a lot of free atoms just playing the game (I'd racked up 2000 or so) and a lot of items in the shop aren't crazy expensive (100-300 atoms). I want everything cheaper obviously because I'm a...
  17. Korin

    A new-found appreciation for Fallout 3

    I was one of the few people on NMA that actually liked Fallout 3. I probably spent two or three hundred hours in that game across two different platforms (I was also drunk almost the entire time). 10 years later the game has aged poorly for me. The quests and dialogue seem empty and so poorly...
  18. Korin

    $7 Fridge and Other Atomic Shop Atrocities

    Hahaha! Also, I don't understand the pricing either. That has been a big gripe of mine. I did buy their Atom Sale package though as I thought that wasn't crazy. It was like 1500+free items for 8 bucks or something. I bought the scavenge robot for 500 atoms. Some of the pricing makes no sense...
  19. Korin

    I have returned and brought an SSL certificate with me.

    I have returned and brought an SSL certificate with me.
  20. Korin


    They haven't released that yet, supposed to be sometime November I think