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  1. Alphadrop

    Warhammer 40k thread!

    The C'tan fluff got so stupid though I'm glad they retconned them to psychotic Egyptian robo pharaohs in space. The C'tan sorta went all badly written fan fiction on the universe, which is the Emprah's job.
  2. Alphadrop

    The Steam Summer Sale starts this Thursday (probably)

    Just brought Risen 2 on Brother None's Gamebanshee review, that and I'm a sucker for tricorns and guns. Just a shame guncorns don't exist.
  3. Alphadrop

    Why do people buy Alienware?

    Pfft high end CRT monitors wipe the floor in the true colour department. Old skool is the best school. Just a bugger to find nowadays.
  4. Alphadrop

    Warhammer 40k thread!

    After digging out the ol Spehs Crusade box turns out they were plain old "Androids". A bugger to kill as well.
  5. Alphadrop

    Why do people buy Alienware?

    Good customer service, also Makta called me bad names again. :V To clarify I had an Alienware laptop back when gaming laptops were still rare. She was a beaut for a good few years and then the coolant died.
  6. Alphadrop

    Warhammer 40k thread!

    Necrons have been around since the early 90's, they were just a small fluff piece and a bad guy in Space Crusade though. Called robot men or something as it was back when the Imperium hadn't retconned it's use of robotics.
  7. Alphadrop

    Warhammer 40k thread!

    That and they can deep strike Land Raiders.
  8. Alphadrop

    Fallout: New Vegas & 3 Steam Sale

    I always mod away the extra 35 unblockable damage they do as well, that was just grief and made power armour look even worse compared to them.
  9. Alphadrop

    The Steam Summer Sale starts this Thursday (probably)

    Origin only, EA got pissy about other people hosting their games when they launched Origin so only pre-Origin ones are on Steam.
  10. Alphadrop

    Fallout: New Vegas & 3 Steam Sale

    Got an urge to get Fallout 3 goty for completeness, and maybe Point Lookout as that was some good times. Heh reading the description and it says eye popping "modern super-deluxe HD graphics" :V
  11. Alphadrop

    Warhammer 40k thread!

    What's wrong with the Dark Eldar? Their lore hasn't changed that much and they are sorta broken against a lot of close combat armies. Necrons I can understand, tomb kings in space which isn't everyone's cup of tea.
  12. Alphadrop

    The Steam Summer Sale starts this Thursday (probably)

    European/RoW release of CiV: Brave New World was the same day the Steam sale started (3 days after American release), fellas who pre-ordered for 10% off could finally play the game just as it hit 30% off. Also launch got delayed due to the sale. Steam is kinda douchey sometime. Currently...
  13. Alphadrop

    Warhammer 40k thread!

    Main problem I have with Valkyries is I can only carry what I can fit in a backpack. Still you can always use proxies, Old Crow did a dirt cheap flyer but he's annoyingly closed down his web store for the time being so it's hard to browse his miniatures. Scotia Grendel do a right-ish sized...
  14. Alphadrop

    Post a Screenshot

    The Secret World, an mmo that's gone f2p and is actually free to play all the base game which is a rarity among free to play mmos. Got a new processor so can actually play it without lagging and no more expensive sub fees, all good. Includes conspiracy plots, Cthulhu, Illuminati and chums...
  15. Alphadrop

    Post a Screenshot

    [spoiler:8edb4e7365][/spoiler:8edb4e7365] Not mine because Steam was futzing it up but I am proud to be the guy on the left starting it off.
  16. Alphadrop

    Kotaku Ranks The Fallouts

    Like how their reasoning for 3 being the #2 spot was that lots of people played it and it was pretty fun to explore, not how it was a good Fallout game. I get the feeling Tactics is what F3 wanted to be, it has the resident gritty anti hero cool guys (BOS) as the main faction fightin' super...
  17. Alphadrop

    Game music thread

    Cool I'll try and find it, rainy mood isn't needed though. I'm English.
  18. Alphadrop

    Game music thread

    There's a Phoenix Wright Jazz album?! How comes the charts didn't mention something as awesome as that? <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0"></iframe> Sucker for fast acoustic guitar playing.
  19. Alphadrop


    Find Freedom more facist than Duty sometimes with the whole "Kill anyone who doesn't think like us" thing, ain't keen on Duty either. Darn moral shades of Grey.
  20. Alphadrop

    Chris Avellone talks Wasteland 2 design documents

    Aww man lookit all dat sexy design documentation... this is why Beth will never be MCA levels of cool.