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  1. Alphadrop


    Not necessarily, considering it is rather integral to the system it's probably hardcoded somewhere really annoying, where removing it will create damaging ripples in other parts of the software. Sorta like how simple bug fixes in MMOs tend to break half the game way to often.
  2. Alphadrop

    Torchlight for free / GoG Summer Sale

    Just a heads up, they've got a big sale over the solstice for the next 24 hours rather than the two deals a day. Bugger I get paid on the 28th.
  3. Alphadrop


    Kinect still steals a small part of your soul in payment though.
  4. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Think co-op made the difference, first try gave up around the same time you did but it does pick up after you rescue Roland. Tiny Tina almost makes it worth the whole slog.
  5. Alphadrop

    Question about church and state laws

    Tsk tsk The GM, he's actually a Muslim Atheist Commie who uses his weather machine to let the UN land troops when no one is looking. Alex Jones told me so... right before he started dribbling and attacking the furniture. The creeping religiosity of the American state is pretty interesting, it...
  6. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    FTL is fun, though the final boss is like running into a wall. Dude is haaarsh. Completed Borderlands 2... finally. For an intergalactic killing machine genetically engineered by an ancient alien race to destroy the everything the final boss is a bit of a damp squib, taken out by two dudes...
  7. Alphadrop


    I'm wondering if they're gonna fire Don Mattrick, or at least move him somewhere where he can never open his mouth again to another human being. Dudes marketing the hell out of the PS4 unintentionally, maybe he's a Sony sleeper agent who has spent years undercover until the keyphrase "Xbone"...
  8. Alphadrop


    Hmm I need to get around to playing Clear Sky, some fine fella gifted it to me but never got around to it. The faction stuff always sounded interesting. Sounds a bit harsh vanilla though, hate bullet sponges with a passion.
  9. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Red Orchestra: Rising Sun. Getting banzai charged while using a flamethrower never gets old.
  10. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Heh, that's how I think of it, like SOZ though less meh and with more muskets. Could never get into SOZ but that might be due to not being too keen on 3.5 character creation in general.
  11. Alphadrop

    Project Brazil mod for New Vegas released

    Must be a level 1 wizard then who failed his detect bugs roll.
  12. Alphadrop

    Newest Wasteland 2 update includes a look at the inventory

    Viva la green, does look a wee bit too orange, like a dodgy politician or TV presenter.
  13. Alphadrop

    Reinstall: Fallout 2

    Shame they don't mention the comments the street walkers give you when you wear power armour.
  14. Alphadrop

    Favorite Stand up Comedian?

    Bill Bailey, Dara O Briain and Dylan Moran. Thought this topic needed more Brit comedians... ish... two of 'em are Irish.
  15. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Completed Sleeping Dogs, starts of a tad slow but when it gets going it really feels like a Hong Kong action movie. Just gotta wait for Nightmare at North Point and Year of the Snake to be on sale.
  16. Alphadrop

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Just a slang 90's way of saying exactly. :V
  17. Alphadrop

    Metro: Last Light released today

    That scared me for the same reason certain maps in Quake scared me, zombies that don't die except to certain weapons you don't have much ammo for.
  18. Alphadrop

    Metro: Last Light released today

    Found the ghost bits a tad scary, well more unsettling and eery than scary but that section had a great feel to it. Shame it felt so compartmentalised with hardly any other ghosts in the game. Would of picked this up but the 35 quid price tag is a tad harsh.
  19. Alphadrop

    Should Britain Leave the EU?

    Apart from the standard "EU is taking all our money to give to foreign people" and "it allows all those foreign people to come over here and take our money" one of the major problems the current coalition government has with the EU is that they can't get rid of the Human Rights act while still...
  20. Alphadrop

    Should Britain Leave the EU?

    Either to snag those tasty trading deals that made us lots of money or to piss of the French who refused us entry for decades.