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  1. laclongquan

    This might not be the most blasphemous game anymore...

    If it can be modded, then yes, I would meddle with it if I can~ Problem is, it's PS2 game. It's damn near impossible to mod PS2 game, or I (and other fans) would mod the sheeeeeeeeesh out of Romance of Three Kingdom 10 before. Alas, ROTK10 only be modded after they release Chinese and Japanes...
  2. laclongquan

    Is there a mod to make all the raiders male?

    Right? Right. Logical? Logical. But you just release a mod like that (set no female raiders) and it will go up in flame. That's how political it become these days. When I say this is gay, it's a somewhat descriptive statement, not judgement. Gay idea like that wont escape the flames, mostly...
  3. laclongquan

    Is there a mod to make all the raiders male?

    You have to ask that at Nexus forum. Your question is pretty gay, so I doubt much would answer it here. And no surprise modders set their mod as hidden, either. The straight crowd would go up in flame. The gay crowd would response hotly. The modest crowd might just join in for shit and giggles...
  4. laclongquan

    What’s your ideal post-New Vegas game?

    Caesar's Legion after Caesar died (for whatever reason/cause) That would mean a huge stretch of land in tribals' hand, so the style turn back to tribal theme. There will be city (ruins) but the theme will not be too modern because tribals dont do modern. Also CL lands will be far from...
  5. laclongquan

    Help with Viva New Vegas and other mods

    YOu said it, brother~ But those guys are mostly at Wasteland Supplemental channel discord, not in any forum.
  6. laclongquan

    Fallout New Vegas day 2024

    Does anyone taste Sunset Sarparrilla and what's it like?
  7. laclongquan

    Help with Viva New Vegas and other mods

    Discord fad seem to be over, as I found most of my discord dens are silent these days.
  8. laclongquan

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    Computer World magazine has two issues with walkthrough for F1 and F2. So I checked that out way back when~
  9. laclongquan

    Fallout New Vegas day 2024

    Apparently MCA or Sawyer said they mess a bit with Colorado River because scale it perfectly would create problem (in gameplay and size) Cottonwood Cove is really Cottonwood because on its other side of the river you have Carp Cove and in game that is Lakelurk Cove, an unmarked location that...
  10. laclongquan

    Fallout 3: The game that changed everything for the franchise.

    You are obviously arguing without the facts support your talks. I said caravan travels is a quest method, not a travel method. Said so right there. And you use the facts that it contain many quest mechanism as if it support your talk. IT IS NOT. Those quest mechanism limit caravan travel to a...
  11. laclongquan

    What Fallout Game Would You Remake First?

    Fallout 1 is ideal. It's stories are compact, not very expansive. Its locations are limited, so no fear of Content Creep. Its characters are quite limited compared to F2/3/NV, so investment on Voice acting is not very heavy.
  12. laclongquan

    Fallout 3: The game that changed everything for the franchise.

    If you act like you never play those games, I will describe your action like you never play those games. You are not paying me to act otherwise, get it? --- Anyway, back to travel. Caravan Travel is not a travel method but a quest method. If you are in a transition location during Caravan...
  13. laclongquan

    Fallout 3: The game that changed everything for the franchise.

    Fallout 1/2 has exactly one way to travel from one location to another: go to exit grid, and the game start calculating time to get to target locations. THAT is their version of Fast Travel. And there's no alternative. But Morrowind, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, all has another choice instead...
  14. laclongquan

    Did Fallout New Vegas Fans See the Failure of Bethesda's Starfield Coming?

    I dont like Beth's changes of Fallout in F4, but I dont close my eyes and pretend it's a bad game. Really bad writing, big change of artistic style to the point of not feeling like a PA Fallout game, yes. bad game? no.
  15. laclongquan

    Fallout 3: The game that changed everything for the franchise.

    Fast travel in Fallout 1 is NOT the same as Fast Travel in F3/FNV. In F1/2 each location is a separate cell so the FT style is the only choice. But F3/FNV is not that way, so Fast Travel is a big overpowered mechanism. Fast Travel is a bad move from Morrowind days (Mark and Recall spell) because...
  16. laclongquan

    Did Fallout New Vegas Fans See the Failure of Bethesda's Starfield Coming?

    Personally, I dont see it coming. Sure, F4 is a big disappointment for us in term of writings. But damn, it's several years already. And Fallout 3 does create a good precedent: F3 writings are noway the same as F2 or FNV but at least it's serviceable, and can evoke great feeling. If they can do...
  17. laclongquan

    Help with Viva New Vegas and other mods

    Titans seem to modify much that was relating to wearing power armors. In particular, their power armors can affect other mod's assets in loading time (more HD asset than they expect). This is the case with Rebuild Capital, as in certain area they utilize many power armor assets, and Titan make...
  18. laclongquan

    Help with Viva New Vegas and other mods

    Cant really help you there. Titans is infamous for not playing nice with lots of mods that I played, like Salt Lake Stories, Rebuild Capital etc... So I never touch it. If anything happen due to it I wouldnt know. Try disable Titanof New West (and all mods relating to that) to see if it help...
  19. laclongquan

    Do I still need the unofficial FO4 patch in 2024?

    Fallout4 players are mostly concentrated in Nexus forum, you can find them there. Both NMA and RPGCodex dont have that many, or actively showing that they played it.
  20. laclongquan

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

    Keep it protected~ I lose mine years ago and all this electronic sheeesh just cant keep me happy.