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  1. D

    What is wrong with our culture?

    Even then, getting rich isn't his goal. What he really wants is a little bit of justice in how he does his job and some more benefits, but instead the board gives itself bonuses.
  2. D

    What GOTY tells us, and how it might affect Fallout.

    Maybe that part is logically consistent, but what I do remember her feeling very like she was there to pander to my feelings. Believe it or not, I don't start feeling things for this girl because I just see her dancing and singing or because I'm informed that she's my character's daughter...
  3. D

    What GOTY tells us, and how it might affect Fallout.

    About every part of that is untrue. People have already hammered home how stupid the plot is. So I'll focus on the shooty bits. Enemies become bullet sponges as you progress. There's no sense of pacing or good use of quiet slow moments to break up the pace. And the mechanics of how enemies...
  4. D

    What is wrong with our culture?

    My brother works as a nurse and hospital systems are textbook examples of where capitalism is flawed and not some perfect system adjusted by the Invisible Hand. His first job was in a step-down floor that is way understaffed and has high turn over as young nurses quit the job as soon as they...
  5. D

    Confessions of an Ex-Todd Lover

    Tolkien was original when he first wrote it though. He coined the Gandalf archetype, which he took from Odin. He was really into mythology and used that as an inspiration for his fiction. The dude championed Beowulf as a legitimate piece of literature worth reading. It's just that people focus...
  6. D

    What is wrong with our culture?

    You're like a nationalist yelling at his political opposition by asking, "Why do you hate freedom?" Or a religious crazy yelling at somebody asking them, "Why do you hate God?" You're not really coming across as being rational. In all cases, you're assuming a false premise about their position...
  7. D

    What is wrong with our culture?

    Look you're tilting at a windmill. Marx proposes how things should be and how he thinks they will be, even if he's not clear on the exact details as to how that'd happen. Stalin and Lenin are completely different people from Marx. And obviously, you can't trust an autocrat to be able to handle...
  8. D

    What is wrong with our culture?

    Those are buzz phrases that don't mean anything in the abstract. Everybody values those things to one degree or another. Marx believed that wealth redistribution of some kind was going to happen as technology/culture could evolve that capability and that it would happen as a historical...
  9. D

    What materials are weapons made of in Fallout?

    Probably not, but we have an extensive scrap metal industry that recycles cars so we've probably got it down to a science anyway. Like auto-engineers probably have it all figured out how they're going to source their metal. I also would have to assume that's what knock-off production models are...
  10. D

    What materials are weapons made of in Fallout?

    Ironically, swords are actually really very simple after a certain level of metallurgy. Just one single piece of spring steel for the blade. You heat the handle, shove the blade in and quench. Handle shrinks down on blade. We could probably find an industrial method for making them, except that...
  11. D

    Cyber Punk 2077 News and Discussion Thread

    It will have a good-evil morality gauge, crafting and first-person shooting. So yes, choices have consequences and you will need skill.
  12. D

    What materials are weapons made of in Fallout?

    Old thread, but going by the retro-50 aesthetic, a lot of consumer products were made of glass, ceramic or metal. Nuka Cola comes in glass bottles not plastic ones. Complete tangent: The only things that used plastics did so because it needed to be lightweight, sterile and/or disposable. A...
  13. D

    Even after Fallout 4, many fans still asking for an Obsidian developed Fallout

    Wrong comparison. Fallout is a much-loved relative being kept on life support that Bethesda keeps raping to make the babies they need to replenish their feeble and inbred postapocalyptic settlement alive. Killing it now is a mercy.
  14. D

    What GOTY tells us, and how it might affect Fallout.

    Well, I do suppose that the father-daughter plot feels very much like the gaming equivalent of Oscar baiting. So far, it's rarely done well. Fallout 4 - bad Bioshock Infinity - bad Dishonored - has potential but bad Last of Us - good
  15. D

    Can we all agree Bethesda did power armor right?

    I would actually say most of those ideas are actually good ideas with poor execution. Minor lore retconning is not going to bother me. T-51's had fusion power plants that supposedly last centuries. So okay, make it a power core. Whatever, that's not really important to the plot. Hot rodding...
  16. D

    What if both Obsidian and Bethesda Fallouts existed, side by side?

    Don't get me wrong, I love hammy ass Mad Scientist villains. I loved it in Advance Wars Days of Ruin and I loved it Battle Angel Alita. And Elijah is less hammy than either in a good way. I'd just rather that he wasn't evul racial purity Nazi. And in a way, he did get a whole chapter to himself...
  17. D

    Even after Fallout 4, many fans still asking for an Obsidian developed Fallout

    A spiteful part me hopes that they don't learn and that they drive their ship to ground. I don't want them to learn to program their engine competently or stop relying on the modding community. And then I want them to alienate even their modding community. I want them to really screw the pooch...
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    Cyber Punk 2077 News and Discussion Thread

    Never pre-order. Games are out when they're out and not until then.
  19. D

    Ass butts dicks.

    Ass butts dicks.
  20. D

    what government types are in fallout anyway?

    According to New Vegas, the NCR doesn't have term limits and Tandi was President for life and is venerated as a kind of culture hero.