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  1. D

    NCR vs Legion Opinion

    They're luddites, alright. Luddism doesn't mean that you're against all tool usage since that would proscribe arrowheads and clubs. And by the same token, if you're using slaves, you're still making somebody else do the work for you. What makes them Luddites is their fundamentalism. What...
  2. D

    Preparing for the future

    More pragmatically, it's not just Doomsday scenarios, but localized disasters like Katrina that is also a possibility. This usually means loss of public order to the point that people think it's the end of the world.
  3. D

    Phobias Thread

    Just to be clear, phobias aren't just something you happened to be scared of, but something you're scared of beyond any rational sense. To the point where the anxiety you have over that thing poses a concrete problem in your life. Thanatophobia isn't just a healthy fear of death, you obssess...
  4. D

    Phobias Thread

    I have no phobias. That isn't to say that I don't fear generic things like insects, heights or darkness -- just that none of these fears are pathological. Well, I do hate papercuts and uncleanliness a great deal.
  5. D

    Potential for Fallout: New York

    Because I don't want another Fallout: Conspicuously Intact Buildings. Fallout shouldn't need to depend on the superficial features of the Old World, because that Old World is really closer to a dystopian cyberpunk after the promise of a retro-50's future fell apart -- most of which was vaporized...
  6. D

    What's your ancestry?

    Been away from the board awhile, but before people get batshit conservative crazy, I don't refer to white guilt as "feeling bad for something my ancestors did" or even as a condemnation of progressive liberalism. (Those hippy beatnik commies!) But all the same, it's not a concept I've really had...
  7. D

    The Power Armor dilemma in New Vegas

    Power armor is pretty weak in NV. Perks like Light Touch and good stats on light armor make it a so-so option at best. In particular, crit builds are better off going light armors because of Joshua Graham or Ulysses giving the better light armors for them. Also they're way easier to repair with...
  8. D

    Do you think the world eventually recovered from the Great War?

    I vote tentatively, "yes." Even with some adjustments to interpretation of canon. Firstly, the NCR doesn't have to be a hyper-mechanized society to do ranching. It's just that their economy is overwhelmingly agricultural and wouldn't be postindustrial. Most of the trade in New Vegas are...
  9. D

    What's your ancestry?

    In theory, yes. Technically the concept of the melting pot first applied to white Europeans. In practice, your parents and other people's perception of you influences your ultimate destiny. (By some degree of deviation or other.) I sometimes forget that I'm not white until I have an "ohhh yeah"...
  10. D

    Post-War Religions?

    Depends on how many bombs you say would fell on it and whether they could sustain themselves economically after. The EU tore itself apart well before the events of the Great War between China and America, so maybe not a lot? I expect the Vatican is a fairly low priority, unless the Papacy had...
  11. D

    Post-War Religions?

    Honestly, I just think it's atheism by authorial omission, because Fallout doesn't want to deal in controversial topics. More likely, I'd think people have some concept of "God," but nobody reads anyway. I'd expect Vaults to preserve religious traditions from the Old World, as well as a...
  12. D

    Post-War Religions?

    Well it is worth distinguishing communism from socialism, as they aren't the same. It gets more confusing since there isn't even any just one school of thought in Marxism, which is what most people think of when talking about communism.
  13. D

    Post-War Religions?

    The Followers are mostly anarcho-syndicalists. And even that sounds like a really pretentious way of putting it. They're communists in the way that Doctors Without Borders are communists (i.e. not at all). And I'm disappointed anybody would bother with the comparison at all. As far as religions...
  14. D

    What's your ancestry?

    Korean American son of immigrants. In practice that means both nothing and something. I don't consider cultural heritage or national loyalty very valuable. I've also provisionally earned the right to sneer at "white boys" while still being an unthreatening "model minority." You'll notice some...
  15. D

    Game of Thrones

    Nah, Stannis burning his daughter felt like an unnecessarily arbitrary way of garnering some shock value. So it felt like the opposite.
  16. D

    Game of Thrones

    I dropped the show at about the time Stannis burned his daughter. I figured this was about the place they started ad-libbing shit. More topically, there is an asston of stuff suggesting that Jon Snow is Lyanna's son. As far as theories go, it doesn't sounds like crackpot fan fiction. And I have...
  17. D

    The Legion Returning?

    It doesn't have to be. I think it can be rather pensive and atmospheric if handled correctly.
  18. D

    Well that's a political statement too. (My games should be like, "x" without "y" doing...

    Well that's a political statement too. (My games should be like, "x" without "y" doing anything.) Just saying, if I'm playing Path of Exile, I've never met one of these SJW's that are trying to take away my video gamesssss in the name of political correctness.
  19. D

    The people complaining about SJW's have managed to be more annoying than the actual SJW's...

    The people complaining about SJW's have managed to be more annoying than the actual SJW's themselves.