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  1. D

    Life after death thread

    Do you read your sources? Emphasis mine. Here's another bit. This is within a couple of paragraphs of your link. That sounds a lot like something I might say. I won't claim to have done a deep reading of this, but come on. If I can take a half-minute to skim the introduction, so can you...
  2. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    We've been over this. This is roughly the logic that the War of Drugs and the Patriot Act operates on. It's unnecessary and ineffective. It's moralism of the worst sort. A populace that is incapable of dissent or critical thought isn't actually all that self-reliant. Again, if Caesar just...
  3. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Only if you don't think fascism, slavery and misogyny aren't bad. My dispute was never that they were ineffective. I would also disagree about Caesar. He could do better.
  4. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Okay, fine, the subjects aren't necessarily misogynists or necessarily slavers. Very likely, but not given. I'll grant you that. But the Legion are barbaric for a given value of barbaric.
  5. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Fair enough. Both the Dead Horses and Sorrows aren't accustomed to fighting at all and don't practice slavery. (Same with Arroyo tribals in FO2). This isn't proof that all tribals are like this. The White Legs and the 88's definitely are the pillaging sort. But that goes to show that it can...
  6. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    It doesn't matter because the burden of proof is on you. I don't have to disprove a ridiculous made up claim that has no evidence for it. This isn't nearly as controversial as saying, "The Legion is an authoritarian government where the military hierarchy holds all the power." Yeahhhh. You're...
  7. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    I dunno, how about actual Legionaries you talk to? Take a female character to Caesar's camp and talk to the NPC's. There's also the one lady that dispenses healing powder and the various non-interactable female NPC's hauling around heavy loads. Cassidy also is a trader who tells you that Legion...
  8. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    I haven't. I actually criticized the NCR and you actually said that I criticized them. Ever talked to Melissa from the Great Khans? The way you convince her to break alliance with the Legion is to tell her that she's lucky to be an officer's wife at best. Women are chattel. The burden of...
  9. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Oh I'll get to you.
  10. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    I tell superdude that everybody else in the wasteland has higher standards of morality. He replies. You claim. But you're both wrong. Slavery is illegal in the NCR. Nice try to both of you. Nobody else in the Mojave practices it...
  11. D

    Life after death thread

    Eh listened to the video. Wasn't impressed. I wouldn't be making philosophical arguments if I thought science was all it took to come to a truth or that it had no value at all. And no, there's about zero chance you're going to convince me that faith is a valid philosophical approach.
  12. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    I don't believe that obviously. Not when people are making apologia for Legion practices and trying to invent assumptions about how they actually work in direct contravention of the evidence. (But maybe they have water! Sooooo not the point.) I shouldn't have to explain why "guilty until...
  13. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Really? Are you the same guy that said that "guilty until proven innocent" wasn't so bad? It's not an ad hominem when you yourself admit that living in 40k wouldn't too bad. Because you know, it's okay to have privileges at the expense of others and be shot for heresy for arbitrary reasons by a...
  14. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    If they were morally grey they'd just be a somewhat benign constitutional monarchy, not a people who views themselves as specially superior who goes about enslaving people. Hell, I've had people argue that slavery isn't actually what they do.
  15. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Izzat so? Because people like Dr Fallout like to do nothing but make special case pleadings for how their faults really aren't faults. This is the guy who thinks he'd have a decent chance of faring well in Warhammer 40k's imperium.
  16. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Intellectual honesty. I actually find the idea of dirty cop amusing, in a noirish way. You can't be a dirty cop in the Legion, because you have no such standards to violate to begin with. As I've already said, the Legion operates on guilty until proven innocent. (And the distinction is a bit...
  17. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    NCR doesn't torture its enemies to death. In point of fact, there are laws preventing Boyd from assaulting a Legionary prisoner. And that's a hell lot more consideration than The Legion gives its enemies. Now she's a dirty cop, so she doesn't mind paying a freelancer to do the assaulting. NCR...
  18. D

    Depends on the old person really. Assuming that aging hasn't wrecked their minds to start with.

    Depends on the old person really. Assuming that aging hasn't wrecked their minds to start with.
  19. D

    Life after death thread

    It really is that easy. I'm not trying to win the discussion, I'm trying to get you to think critically about this and bring up something more salient than, "This problem has troubled humanity for centuries." "Why is there something rather than nothing?" isn't a question. If I ask how is there...
  20. D

    Life after death thread

    That's an argument from authority. It also indicates nothing about who takes them seriously or why. You didn't listen to the criticism and still won't accept them as feedback. You don't even really look for it on your own or dispute what others claim. Because I can something like, "Free will...