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  1. D

    Life after death thread

    I don't get it. "Lifelong" is still finite. The only difference is whether you're around to notice. The reality of it doesn't change, only your response to it does. Plenty of friendships and marriages end in less than a lifetime.
  2. D

    Is that ok to kill the powder gang at the start of FONV

    You can actually skip to New Vegas directly past the deathclaws if you know how. It's pretty amusing actually. You can easily get a half-dozen levels or so just sneaking into The Strip. Hint: You get a Stealth Boy for killing Cobb.
  3. D

    Life after death thread

    Yeah so? Why do you accept that this is motivated by a desire for immortality? Just because somebody has an idea of symbolic immortality doesn't mean it's valid. I maybe motivated by a desire to leave something better for people I care about and sincerely believe that people do persist after I...
  4. D

    Life after death thread

    I would except I think you have a rather sophomoric interpretation of that question's significance. Those philosophers probably didn't think about the question at all. And seriously Leibitz's stuff invloving how the problem theodicy actually is resolved because this is really is the best of all...
  5. D

    Life after death thread

    Dude. What? Why should anybody gaze in awe at anything? I doubt any of them tried to. The something instead of nothing question is a loaded question. It's inarticulate. It's a question that just sounds impressive to ass backwards theologians. Yeah well, if your questions assume a false...
  6. D

    Life after death thread

    I find it difficult to explain, but a question like, "Why is there something instead of nothing?" has a built in presumption in it. It's a loaded question. There doesn't need to be a why. You want a why because you are assigning a value to it. You can't help but compare but two hypothetical...
  7. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    I can only say that is extremely contemptible. We use that rhetoric in a modern society. Rapport techniques by the FBI work better than simple straight-up torture. It's a justification that assumes that things just work out by being "tough." That's just empty machismo and it isn't an argument...
  8. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    That is not what is being said. The point that separation of powers exists in a republican government is specifically because there is a mistrust of any authority holding too much power. So what happens when some provincial governor somewhere does something? And mind you, the entire mindset of...
  9. D

    Post-War Religions?

    The thing that's always bothered me about religion is, "Do people like The Followers actually qualify as a religion?" Because I don't really view Confucius or Epicurus as religions so much as ideologies formulated by philosophers. They have certain ideas about ethics and how you should live your...
  10. D

    Independance Reign

    Ehh too shady. It's implied bodily death kills your personality without really abstruse technological workarounds. I don't like the notion of over-relying on that sort of thing.
  11. D

    Independance Reign

    Because it's not a replacement brain. It's an electrode that sends a signal from your brain to you. Otherwise you'd be indistinguishable from a Lobtomite. And even then that was something of a one-off exception due to some personal oddity. Removing your brain and implanting them in a Think Tank...
  12. D

    Independance Reign

    You can't manufacture brains. And I consider the high technology semi-canon at best. Mostly fluff added to New Vegas to make the game interesting, but I wouldn't expect anything trying to be a would-be sequel to take them seriously as a precedent.
  13. D

    Independance Reign

    Personally, I think annexation of Legion territories is overly ambitious, that's sort of the imperialist pickle NCR got itself into in the Mojave in the first place. You'll have enough troubles forging and running a young nation-state as it is. It's good enough if the Legion falls to infighting...
  14. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    You know, I'm not talking to you if this is your level of reasoning. Derp, Caesar is worse than his neighbors and a lot of tribals. But it's okay because he's only just as bad as slavers of the logically incongruous East Coast.
  15. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    You keep doing this where you talk about the East coast, even though pretty everybody in the West except one faction doesn't practice slavery. The NCR Rangers explicitly came into being in FO2 because they were meant to combat slavers. NV makes it clear that the canon ending is that the Rangers...
  16. D

    Memes are annoying by definition.

    Memes are annoying by definition.
  17. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Christ, for being a guy who likes to point to corrupt robber barons and land owning ranchers as being corrupt, how is it any better that Legionaries get to replace them? Much less talking about whether Legionaries retire to water and electricity. Regardless of whether or not they have that (I'm...
  18. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    No, all that is pretty much all wrong. First off, appealing to outside threats doesn't fucking mean anything. Every civilization has had them. You're doing what authoritarians always do and it pisses me off. (There is an outside threat, therefore what I do is justified. I am a necessary evil.)...
  19. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Appeal to nature by the way. I already leveled my accusation of Luddism at them. Having remedies is not the same as understanding how it works or an ongoing interest in learning why. I will grant that Caesar is probably putting that off for more short-term goals. I'm not blind. I can see their...
  20. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Well a great deal depends on good intelligence that's for sure. But exceptional strategy doesn't really depend upon the obvious course of action ala Sun Tzu. The Mojave only is indefensible because the general aims and policy make it that way. Being unconquerable lies with yourself and being...