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  1. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Now that I think about it, what would be non-bullshit strategies for NCR against the Legion? If you want to fight an entirely defensive war. You need to make the entire region more defensible and not drawn-out. So either you need to protect fewer things or get more forces. Basically you have...
  2. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Yeah except people within the NCR and House mock General Oliver for his strategy. "General Wait-and-See" or as House calls it, "tunnel vision" strategy. He's also known for deliberately trying to screw over the Rangers, which are the elite forces of the NCR. Cassidy herself thinks the NCR would...
  3. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Having reasons for being an asshole makes your being an asshole understandable, but it doesn't excuse it. If I were looking at the Legion from a purely humanitarian perspective, I don't really believe Caesar has really done the best job. Was the way that he did it make interesting fiction...
  4. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Luddism isn't about just having a neat gun. It's about how highly your culture regards intellectual pursuits. Which is to say, probably not very much. They're an authoritarian society with very limited personal liberty and some economic liberty. It's reasonable they have access to stockpiles of...
  5. D

    Is new vegas werf?

    FNV picks up plot arcs left off from FO1 and FO2 and does respects the canon of the first two games fairly well while actually expanding and exploring what would happen if the NCR started butting heads as an imperialist power against other regional powers, like Caesar's Legion. It's amazingly...
  6. D

    Alternatives to Caffeine?

    I second the motion for tea and only add that the lower dosage is probably better than for coffee for weaning yourself off it and avoiding those caffeinated headaches. I don't know what you're like, but coffee is way harsher from the caffeine angle.
  7. D

    Life after death thread

    See above. It can't let you find targets or know about them. I can doodle a smiley face on a piece of paper and put it on top of a cabinet outside of your line of sight. You can't see it with OOB and tell me it's a smiley face. Hallucinations, can of course, correspond to real things. (Again...
  8. D

    Life after death thread

    The Telegraph has no sources at all. People like to dump on Wikipedia but it's usually better researched and sourced than 99% of the random clickbait garbage out there. Which is just sad. And as stated, you can just scroll to the bottom and click on links. And I made my contribution. I dismiss...
  9. D

    Life after death thread

    Which means what exactly? That it was believed to persist only up to 30 seconds but was found to be longer or that curiously, that only some parts of the brain shut down but subconscious awareness still operates? Honestly, if you're trying to drive at the notion of a soul, that I dismiss. If...
  10. D

    I only have hearsay. My understanding is that the author de-emphasized its role in the plot.

    I only have hearsay. My understanding is that the author de-emphasized its role in the plot.
  11. D

    Has Fallout become essentially what Destiny is?

    Well, the trouble isn't that people enjoy it. I get that not everybody wants to find a video game equivalent of chess or War and Peace. I enjoyed Fallout 3. I didn't respect it. Minecraft is a casual game. I both enjoyed and respected it. There's a huge difference. Destiny is a game that I'd...
  12. D

    Has Fallout become essentially what Destiny is?

    Wrong? I mean it's not like I look at an artist and hate them automatically because of "incorrect anatomy" or whatever. Not everybody is equally skilled at everything. I don't really expect people to be perfect. Honesty and integrity rates for a lot. And if it makes you feel better, I think you...
  13. D

    Has Fallout become essentially what Destiny is?

    I was being rhetorical. Of course you're not a fault for my watching it. But I watched him anyway so I could at least comment on your post.
  14. D

    Has Fallout become essentially what Destiny is?

    Aside from being intellectually dishonest? He's one of those people who thinks atheists are just preachers of a different kind and so is fashionably on the fence about everything. Faith, in a religious context, and not just a "I have faith in Suzy...
  15. D

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    It uses typical permadeath arrangements in that your save is deleted on death. (Although you can still do some mild save-scumming with Alt-F4). Yes, there are a lot of survival sims out there, but the two I named are pretty polished. The Long Dark is Early Access, so be forewarned. They have...
  16. D

    Has Fallout become essentially what Destiny is?

    I hate the Extra Credits guys. They're incredibly mediocre armchair theorists that don't deserve the money they make off the series. And you're going to make me watch him aren't you? EDIT: Yeah I had to watch him bloviate about how Destiny is a casual game. Such insight. And no, there is...
  17. D

    Life after death thread

    Reads like science journalism usually does with a very provocative title to grab interest. What actually is being said is that people are aware despite being clinically dead. Which doesn't technically mean brain death. I also suspect this isn't really shocking news either. This is an old hat...
  18. D

    Yeah, well the Dark Passenger being literal is dumb anyway, though I hear the author backed away...

    Yeah, well the Dark Passenger being literal is dumb anyway, though I hear the author backed away from that in the plot.
  19. D

    How would you fix the radio?

    Hell, classical from contemporary composers of our world would still work. It's not as if people stop taking an interest in that style of music in their timeline. There's great video game music in that style anyway. But that and "wastelander" music would actually take money. And Bethesda is...
  20. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Canon has it that brain bots have none of their original personality left, the brain is just a CPU. OWB and the rest of New Vegas reinforces this. House is in a coffin, with the body intact. Rex doesn't have the personality of the donor that gives him a new brain, just its memories or some...