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  1. D

    Legion Appreciation Thread

    Mister House was the only person with the knowledge of that technology. And he was very cagey about letting his secrets leak out. I mean, Fallout science is just an asspull plot device most of the time, so you could very well write that, but I personally find it implausible.
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    Yeah, the Deadpool villains are pretty dang boring.

    Yeah, the Deadpool villains are pretty dang boring.
  3. D

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    Write smutty fanfiction in my head about me and the wolves that nobble on my ankles. Mods will fix it.
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    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    Well, if I wanted a walking simulator with survival and crafting, I'm not playing Fallout 4. I'm playing The Long Dark. Or Don't Starve. Both are excellent games.
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    Xcom 2 ?

    I've been working through XCOM 1 in Iron Man mode, and honestly? You can hedge against RNG. Although I can't run XCOM 2 because of aforementioned horrid optimization, it really does seem like the same tools still work. I found very early on that the utlity vest items and explosives in the early...
  6. D

    Too little too late. I've been gone for at least 50 seasons by now.

    Too little too late. I've been gone for at least 50 seasons by now.
  7. D

    Could the SPECIAL system be applied to a Star Trek RP?

    Well most "locks" would be computerized. So that'd be hacking. There are a few scenes in the series where less scrupulous characters pull away a panel and fiddle with circuit cards and whatnot. For simplicity's sake, I'd just collapse most projectile weapons under "Guns" and be done with it...
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    What is your favorite Star Trek series?

    I remember specifically that Sisko did something or other to make Quark stay, since he viewed Quark as something of a community leader from the days of the Cardassian occupation. If it's just for holosuites, he'd have just blackmailed him for that instead. And he keeps tolerating him even though...
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    Fat Shaming: What's NMA's Thoughts?

    I drink a lot of tea these days. And yes, sweetened sugary black tea. I'm young enough and got a fast enough metabolism. For now. But I'm unsweetened drinking green tea as I speak. It's good. sigh Guess I should learn how to dial back my appetite sooner rather than later before it all catches up...
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    Now I have an urge to go watch Kill la Kill.

    Now I have an urge to go watch Kill la Kill.
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    What is your favorite Star Trek series?

    The one question that keeps bringing me back to Star Trek is, "How does Federation economics work?" Gene Roddenberry decreed that there is no money, full stop. This excludes anything like a Federation Credit. But it's clear even he has problems keeping that rule and it's obviously posed problems...
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    A BioWare made Fallout

    Well, I find myself generally indifferent to Bioware games these days. So while I'm posting the chart, it's not with a great deal of vitriol. At the most, Bioware games come across as uninspired and have been steadily going downhill. I'm just amused by the intellectual exercise of how Bioware...
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    Do you want to know anything about China?

    Actually I would. Just a brief outline of general history as well as ethnic divisions works fine.
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    Could the SPECIAL system be applied to a Star Trek RP?

    The way I understand it, SPECIAL was a way of having GURPS in a video game without copyright infringement. I could very well see SPECIAL as "universal" system if you're willing to dispense with levels. To the point, BRP is a percentile skill system that's pretty basic as well. You have...
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    The Fallout Subreddit is a Toxic Community

    I don't really believe people upvote or downvote because people want to encourage thoughtful or honest opinions. And frankly, you shouldn't care. They're imaginary internet points. It's a way of conditioning a Pavlonian response so what we get is an echo chamber of howling and socially...
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    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    I would've loved a Fallout from the perspective of somebody like Randall Clark, somebody who didn't make it to the Vault but got to see the world go to shit. Like a Fallout prequel. But yeah a Cold War paranoia thriller really does sound great too. Different, but great. Nobody could accuse...
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    A BioWare made Fallout

    I have a new game I want to play now with this chart. Construct a Fallout game from Bioware cliches!
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    Apparently, this is why Fallout 4 is a good game

    Here's the thing, if Fallout 4 was just a shooter and was honest about it, I'm okay with that. I liked playing Fallout 3. But I didn't really respect it. I was the guy who grew up on Black Isle Infinity titles. So guess what I'm comparing your game to? It's good insofar in that Bethesda makes...
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    Another serious topics: Are intimate realtionships a worthless investment?

    I really don't believe this. Since, frankly, hormones made girls look like ethereal and otherworldly creatures. Objectively, this isn't true, but the logic becomes, "Well I got nothing good enough to offer her." If you're slightly more responsible, then you think, "Well I don't want to fuck...