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  1. The_Proletarian

    A Compilation That Confirms The Canonical Status of Fallout Tactics.

    In regards to your comment about Super Mutants and Chicago. The BoS who ended up in Chicago were in persuit of the fleeing remnants of the Masters army. So you can argue that they were fighting Super Mutants but because of a storm they ended up in Chicago instead. Although as you say there were...
  2. The_Proletarian

    Fallout1 - Trying to deactivate red force shields in Military Base

    I always forget about how the forcefields work but can't you use Repair skill on the emitters to dectivate them? Or blow the emitters with explosives.
  3. The_Proletarian

    Found the original inspiration for the Alien Blaster, it's based on a 1996 Mars Attacks! raygun toy

    Here's another, similar, Mars Attacks toy: They should have had people dressed like this in New Vegas:
  4. The_Proletarian

    Original inspiration for the Alien Blaster based of Mars Attacks toy?!

    @Crueler Johnny posted a topic back in August with pictures of a Mars Attacks (IMDB) toy gun. The similarities to the Alien Blaster of Fallout are astonishing. Could the design of the Alien Blaster be derived from the toy gun? What do you think?
  5. The_Proletarian

    Found the original inspiration for the Alien Blaster, it's based on a 1996 Mars Attacks! raygun toy

    Awesome find! Can someone show this to the original devs and ask if true?
  6. The_Proletarian

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    So I went to Farmers Town after Miners Town. You can give money to Joe to help his adopted kid. I gave 500 gold and was rewarded with 500 xp so 1xp per gold. That gold doesn't turn up in is inventory though, so you can't trade it back, that would have been sweet. You only get 750xp for giving...
  7. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 2 mod Last Hope mod

    I think it says in the info file that comes with the mod that you can only use the car for storage, not travel. e: I'm not that far into the game yet so I wouldn't know. e:2 This is what the info file says:
  8. The_Proletarian

    Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.8b)

    Congratulations on the release!
  9. The_Proletarian

    Tim Cain's Unofficial Involvement with Fallout 3: Van Buren's Cancellation.

    That's one game of how many good ones? In one of his videos he talked about how culture has changed among developers and that the ones who were working on The Outer Worlds were just garbage, so he couldn't demand anything of them unless they got offended.
  10. The_Proletarian

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    You can also steal money at the church withouth the priest giving a damn and you don't get negative karma either. You are stealing from the house of God! I like when people react when you try to take stuff and then go hostile if you persist. That rewards players who has invested in SNEAK and...
  11. The_Proletarian

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    They found the prison and they tell you it's the only one that still remains after the war. Not much else is said. Yeah I know but I was saying that's an odd way to give you a pipboy, that's like an easter egg. I argued you should just get one from the prison adminsitrator. You can just take...
  12. The_Proletarian

    New beta for The Sum mod for Fallout: Tactics

    @nadeauhugo has released a new beta version for The Sum, a total conversion project for Fallout Tactics. Download here NMA thread here
  13. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    Nice work @fuzzi! Now it only needs some talking heads from @Goat_Boy...
  14. The_Proletarian

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    That's exactly what I did! I'm getting information from the other inmates now. I'm hoping for a way to not have to pay them for information, I want to keep that cash. It's interesting that the Prison Master said that this was the only prison that survied the war. More probably the only prison...
  15. The_Proletarian

    Fallout New Vegas enters Wikipedia's 'List of video games considered the best'

    The fact that Fallout 3 is on there means it can't be taken seriously. I would rather have a meta-list comprised of game rankings from fan sites as "journalists" have proven themselves to have very poor taste in games and also a very low ability to judge games.
  16. The_Proletarian

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    I just begun. There's 8 lesser rad scorpions you have to fight in unarmed just to pass the first door. And in the next room there's a dude you have to fight in both unarmed and then melee combat (he himself only uses unarmed though). It's a bit annoying if you go with a build that isn't versed...
  17. The_Proletarian

    Play all Fallout games chronologically! - Join! Continues into 2024

    That's great! Glad to hear that. I've been very busy during the last month but I'm finishing up my New Vegas play-through soon I hope. They are omitted just because I personally didn't want to replay Fallout 3 and I have no intention of trying Fallout 4. However if you want to play them as...
  18. The_Proletarian

    Ghouls! Telepathic ghouls. Worshipping a bomb.

    Ghouls! Telepathic ghouls. Worshipping a bomb.