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  1. FreedomStalker

    Games series ruined by new owners.

    I thought Doom 3 was excellent but not as good as the previous Doom games. I've never played Doom 4 but the gameplay doesn't look very appealing to me. In the 90s, PC gamers were different than PC gamers today. Back in those days, morons couldn't be PC gamers because it was too hard for them...
  2. FreedomStalker

    Games series ruined by new owners.

    They were serious games for that period of time. Of course, when you look back at them now, with their graphics, it's hard to take them seriously.
  3. FreedomStalker

    Games series ruined by new owners.

    Why do you think Doom 3 is garbage?
  4. FreedomStalker

    most overrated movies?

    Most of them are cookie cutter crap for the mainstream audience. The last Marvel movie, I watched was so fucking boring, I was happy when it ended.
  5. FreedomStalker

    How old will you be on October 23, 2077?

    I wouldn't want to live to 2077 in the first place, senile, weak, wrinkly and rotting in some nursing home. And the apocalypse could happen next month, next year, 10 years from now, who knows.
  6. FreedomStalker

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    If you are framed for murder, then not only will your reputation be destroyed but you will be going to prison for life unless you get lucky and they find the real murderer 20 to 30 years later...
  7. FreedomStalker

    Using Both Guns and Melee?

    People who have been playing Fallout games since 1997 can judge that investing into guns and melee is counter productive if you want the most effective character when it comes to combat situations. There is enough ammo in the games so that you will never run out and have to turn to melee...
  8. FreedomStalker

    Using Both Guns and Melee?

    You are missing the point. You'd be better off investing everything into melee or guns when it comes to combat. There is no logical reason to invest in both considering there are plenty of guns that excel in close combat situations.
  9. FreedomStalker

    Using Both Guns and Melee?

    Nah. Why suck at everything when you can be the master of something?
  10. FreedomStalker

    Burst weapons too powerful

    Just avoid areas where there will be enemies with burst weapons until you can easily take them out quickly.
  11. FreedomStalker

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Germany has been taken over by SJWs who hate Germans. And as a leftist, it pisses me off that SJWs are always turning the left into a racist movement against white people. Being a leftist means wanting equality and not wanting a world where people step on other people because of their race or...
  12. FreedomStalker

    How often you have to deal with apologists?

    Yep. That is why the friendly ghouls in Fallout attacked you if you told them you are going to take the water chip and not fix the water pump.
  13. FreedomStalker

    How often you have to deal with apologists?

    Not often. I avoid Fallout 4 fanboys.
  14. FreedomStalker

    Most Hated Fallout Character

    You can kill it. It just has 750 hit points.
  15. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 2 mod Fallout of Nevada, thoughts, impressions and opinion

    It's like an official Fallout game released after Fallout 2 and before Fallout 3.
  16. FreedomStalker

    Every time again ... E3 rant topic.

    You speak the truth unfortunately. PC gamers are outnumbered by the console gaming masses... And I'm not a member of the PC master race but console gamers tend to be idiots or casual gamers who are very ignorant when it comes to gaming.
  17. FreedomStalker

    Games series ruined by new owners.

    Yeah, now I don't feel so bad about having a low end PC incapable of running Doom 4. One thing great about the previous Doom games is that they were fast paced.
  18. FreedomStalker

    Games series ruined by new owners.

    The new Doom has only bullet sponge enemies?
  19. FreedomStalker

    Games series ruined by new owners.

    EA is also ignoring the Dune series and that's really fucking shitty because I enjoyed Dune 2000 and Emperor: Battle For Dune a lot back in the day. They were great RTS games.
  20. FreedomStalker

    Cazadores and fruit flies in Fallout 2?

    Maybe have them populate the areas where there are super mutants and Enclave so by the time, you encounter them, you should have the skills and equipment necessary to take them out.