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  1. FreedomStalker

    Why Mass Effect: Andromeda failed

    Why destroy the developers when they could just continue to use them to milk more money?
  2. FreedomStalker

    Why are there are so many mods for Fallout 2 but no mods for Fallout?

    I pretty much tell my followers to fuck off before heading north or into the cathedral for their own good. You can't do that in Fallout with dogmeat though unless you have Fallout Fixt installed. Fallout Fixt is the only way to save dogmeat's life, FYI.
  3. FreedomStalker

    Why are there are so many mods for Fallout 2 but no mods for Fallout?

    That sounds like a massive amount of work. Thanks for putting in the time and the effort, by the way. Fallout Fixt made so many positive changes to Fallout 1.
  4. FreedomStalker

    Why are there are so many mods for Fallout 2 but no mods for Fallout?

    Yeah but I just love seeing him attack my enemies and hate seeing him get to cut to pieces by super mutants. It sucks going into combat with him against super mutants, knowing that he is going to die sooner or later. And every time I see him get burnt to ashes by a flamethrower or mutilated into...
  5. FreedomStalker

    Why are there are so many mods for Fallout 2 but no mods for Fallout?

    How did you start to learn about modding for Fixt?
  6. FreedomStalker

    Why are there are so many mods for Fallout 2 but no mods for Fallout?

    That is too bad. No armor mod for dogmeat and no car for the player in Fallout 1, I guess. No option to join the Khans and attack Shady Sands... No option to sell the overseer into slavery instead of killing him etc. No option to take over Junktown for yourself. No option to do quests for the...
  7. FreedomStalker

    Best Fallout Intro (Cinematic)?

    Yeah, they should have created a new mutant to fill in that role. I guess Bethesda was just too cheap too do that.
  8. FreedomStalker

    Best Fallout Intro (Cinematic)?

    I know running ghouls doesn't make any sense but it's fun for me. It gives you those 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later moments, when you are like "OH SHIT" and quickly pull out a weapon because three or four ghouls are charging towards you. The feral ghouls in Necropolis, only attacked you if you...
  9. FreedomStalker

    Why Mass Effect: Andromeda failed

    True but why would they destroy what they own? Perhaps other big publishers are sabotaging EA... They are all as bad as EA, anyway.
  10. FreedomStalker

    Why Hitman (2016) failed miserably...

    LOL. And those train simulator games cost over 1000 dollars.
  11. FreedomStalker

    Why Mass Effect: Andromeda failed

    I liked Mass Effect 3 and even if a lot of people didn't like it, the game is a good game compared to Mass Effect Andromeda. They could have recovered from Mass Effect 3 if they didn't put a bullet in the head of the series with the latest one.
  12. FreedomStalker

    Why Hitman (2016) failed miserably...

    And then after doing the math, finding out the full game will cost you around $100 or more.
  13. FreedomStalker

    Why Mass Effect: Andromeda failed

    I don't know why they released it the first place. They should have just let the devs continue to work on it rather than destroy the Mass Effect series which had built up a good reputation and could have made them a lot of money from more Mass Effect games in the future.
  14. FreedomStalker

    Why Hitman (2016) failed miserably...

    Steam, Origin and Uplay is tolerable for me as long as they don't allow a second layer of DRM. Like Steam + Denuvo... But a lot of games have multiple layers of DRM. Layers and layers of DRM, slowing down your PC, causing the game to break etc... While pirates get a game that is free from all...
  15. FreedomStalker

    Best Fallout Intro (Cinematic)?

    Bethesda didn't butcher ghouls by making the feral ones run fast. They still had a lot of ghouls that were rotting thinking people in their games too. Now if they made all ghouls in their games into feral ghouls who can run like Forrest Gump, I'd agree with you.
  16. FreedomStalker

    Why Hitman (2016) failed miserably...

    DRM punishes gamers for buying games instead of pirating them.
  17. FreedomStalker

    Best Fallout Intro (Cinematic)?

    When I said feral, I meant feral as in resembling a wild animal. I didn't mean, feral as in, running at you like Olympic runners Bethesda style. Personally I don't mind Bethesda's feral ghouls though. They are a lot more deadly.
  18. FreedomStalker

    Best Fallout Intro (Cinematic)?

    Same thing, really.
  19. FreedomStalker

    Best Fallout Intro (Cinematic)?

    I was playing Fallout recently. And in Necropolis, I noticed ghouls that were feral. The ones in packs, near the man holes. If you get too close, they attack and the text above them shows that they are feral and not just assholes.