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    Let's discuss Dead Money. Was it that bad?

    >Personally I Love Dead for it's characters, atmosphere and writing I agree. >Previous areas were spaced out had dead zones for speakers and were fairly easy to notice, it was challenging but fun I agree >However vault itself was terrible between speakers and being horribly spaced and three...
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    The Day Before

    Looks pretty good honestly don't know if i'm interested in it given its a MMO and the zombies don't really look that interesting too me not like The last of us zombies anyway like Clickers that react based on sound/movement of your character or bloaters that throw projectiles or at you if your...
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    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    I like it. i wouldn't say i love it though. The gameplay loop is fun. building your character to be certain things can work itself out and is pretty rewarding as you progress. it may boil down to "point and shoot" even if your not really invested in the new perk system which i felt added more...
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    Mysterious Bethesda game

    i don't know what a server engineer does, but i looked it up and it doesn't seem to do anything video game design related. clickbait maybe? unless maybe its for an online game maybe?
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    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    i think it could of been an interesting situation where Codsworth is "hostile" but only after you enter into a conversation with him, to show how his parts have deteriorated at the very least over the years and how he can't even recognize his master from a regular person trespassing on private...
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    Favorite Fallout 4 Quests?

    I thought Human Error and the Last Voyage of the USS Constitution were pretty good quests. The Disappearing Act was pretty good as well.
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    Fakenews website Screenrant lies about Fallout

    real time with pause only makes sense if you have a lot of A.I. making decisions etc. But when you have just a few A.I. making decisions take Civilization vs Europa Universalis IV for example. Turn based makes the most sense. But when you have many nations like in Eu4 it would be a slog honestly...
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    The perfect starting role?

    i think a cool role would be "The Prospector" maybe "The Mercenary" as well.
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    A perfect Fallout game - by MATN

    i don't see how the situation in vault 101 is proof you can't choose non-violent option without "Cheesing" the game. In your first encounter with Security Officer Kendall? you can use the bathroom and go that direction until you reach butch's mother's room. I get that the majority of player's...
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    What Are Your Favorite Video Games of All Time

    I liked The Godfather game that came out in 2006. i don't know if it's the greatest of all time, but it was pretty good game.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    you prevented silus from being interrogated.
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    Rageaholic Review/Critique of Fallout New Vegas

    the DLC enemies scale with you in new vegas but the vanilla enemies don't i think.
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    Rageaholic Review/Critique of Fallout New Vegas

    i don't think anybody should be able to handle high power enemies in the early game. but no level scaling means that high level characters can slice through enemies like a knife through butter. making the game less challenging since you know your going to level the more you continue on. Then...
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    Favorite Fallout 3 Quest

    i haven't played disco elysium yet so explain what about this product is a product of the artist's communist leanings. I agree however when the art is a product of the artist's degeneracy then yeah you can't separate the art from the artist. but i don't know if this is the case here.
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    Fallout 76: General thread

    isn't adaptive leveling doing basically the samething as static leveling just differently. Adaptive leveling accomplishes it by making enemies provide bigger challenge as you level more. While Static leveling accomplishes it by providing actual end-game content like fighting legendary creatures...
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    Mass Effect Remaster, NOT Remake

    I played all 3 games haven't gotten into andromeda yet. i prefer the first and second one to the third. though i started with the third one and then went back and played the second then the first. i'll probably get the remaster and play through it again before i try andromeda.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    SJWs are part of plan to get people to stop procreating. hence if men want to "Date" their imaginary snake waifus instead of an actual woman. then mission complete. and men and woman stop finding each other attractive in favor of their imagination what their ideal fetishized woman or man looks...
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    i think the thing about critical failures is their supposed to be funny but gun jamming isn't really that funny its just an annoyance. not that i think there shouldn't be any gun jamming period i think its an alright mechanic but i can see how it just gets annoying rather then funny like...
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    The Enclave is dead- but how would you guys feel about Enclave descendant factions?

    i thought it would be interesting for a fallout game set in Texas. maybe not so much now obviously since the enclave are basically destroyed. but anyway my idea is that a group of Texan Nationalists wanting to secede from the united states and form their own republic of texas or at least in the...
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    it is effected by skills though. you get a percentage increase for the weapon you're repairing that is dependent on your repair skill. however as you said as well it does allow you to repair to 100% regardless of skill. my guess it will just take longer to repair a weapon to 100% with low repair...