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  1. T

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    its basically (from what i heard) a mormon religious group. like the brotherhood of steel but mormon or something.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    i might be the only one but fallout 3 never crashes for me (On PC at least) When i was on console (PS3) it would always crash for me both it and new vegas or freeze, etc. , new vegas on the otherhand crashes for more a lot more. though it's rare still. of course i fixed this easily by getting...
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    The Repair system is basically the same. since in new vegas you can repair your weapon with an identical weapon and it will repair as much based on your repair skill, though you can repair infinite amount of times after that. though it's not recommended since your gun condition is only viable at...
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    i killed marco with the survivalist rifle in new vegas bounties iii. of course i was playing on normal and it was only my second attempt. lol.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    sort of like the sierra madre then?
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    i wonder when a "Down the rabbit hole" will be made of this.
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    What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

    isn't new vegas DLC pretty linear as well aside from maybe Honest Hearts and old World Blues? Which are the equivalent to Broken steel (since it allows you to continue your exploration of the Capital Wasteland) and Point Lookout (an entire new area to explore)? so if he made that argument i...
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    you think if they like Lizard people so much they'd make a mod for skyrim or something like oblivion lol. i know there's a mod that adds guns to skyrim so they could easily made CoD: Skyrim
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    Most powerful Fallout 3 character

    i was 11 when i first played fallout 3 in 2008 and the only thing i struggled at was figuring out what is it i was supposed to be doing. I was used to platformers before so i never played a RPG like fallout 3 before. i heard of a dog you can find in fallout 3 so i decided to make it my mission...
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    Let's discuss Dead Money. Was it that bad?

    i thought it was a pretty good DLC.
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    i never played a kojima game before. so what is it he would do?
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    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    i'll play it once i get to the recommended level in my next vanilla playthrough of fallout new vegas. can't really load up an old save since i delete them once i'm finished. but as of right now gotta finish wasteland 3.
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    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    well i mean the great khans are pretty successful at raiding. IF you allow them to leave the mojave then they carve a mighty empire out of the north west based around i'm assuming raiding primarily since that's what their culture is based around. though they do make chems for the fiends, though...
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    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    Joe Cobb comes to mind in fallout new vegas. the guy could run goodsprings for food/supplies. also i think the reason why we don't see it is because "Raiders" are not really supposed to be smart enough to realize this on their own. This is why Joe Cobb requires an intelligence check of 6 in...
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    Do you think Obsidian considers Fallout 3 canon?

    did he know it was infested by deathclaws though?
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    Do you think Obsidian considers Fallout 3 canon?

    i'm pretty sure Old Olney is pretty remote away from other settlements its' closest one being Republic of Dave though it's still pretty far from old olney. could be wrong though...
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    Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

    you know exactly where vault 87 is and how it is designed the moment you play after your first playthrough. and where to find the GECK. which requires you to use Fawkes as the radiation will kill you.... i guess if you choose to fast travel everywhere then it could be considerably boring but...
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    Anyone think they have cool ideas for a new fallout game?

    what about Fallout: Texas? A bunch of people hold up in the Alamo in san antonio seems pretty cool idea. Could be super mutants trying to make a home there. with one of the quest dealing with opening up trade between them and other settlements. as a sort of ambassador of the Mutants if they...