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  1. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Yep, it's time to devote some time to the mapper, so long as the hi-res patches remain stable. Not a lot of progress to report so far. I'm getting close to getting the map moving function sorted, as it turns out there was more than one reason why it was crashing. A couple other things are half...
  2. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    I'm adding that and a couple of other options in the next release which I should get uploaded tonight(AEST). Not entirely sure to be honest. I'm pretty sure the problem was with a particular function which was responsible for adding a new message to the console text buffer. I'd made a lot of...
  3. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Thanks Pixote, Your PM made it but email notification seems to be down. I'm working on fallout1 at the moment and It'll probably take me another day before I release the next update. So if it does something weird in the meantime let me know. Also I updated the ammo bar, what do you think of...
  4. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    I've made alot of small patches to existing functions and the problem's buried amongst them someplace (still haven't experienced it myself). I'm currently rewriting those functions entirely which will hopefully bypass the trouble altogether. Hopefully get it done before the weekends out. It's...
  5. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    I look into it tonight. It's annoying I can't replicate it myself, makes tracking down the problem harder. Looks OK to me, should be able to do that.
  6. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Try as I might, I'm not seeing this at my end. Does this happen all the time? Can you post a screenshot? I can set that up next release, any other suggestions on it's appearance and function are welcome. I kind of knocked it together at the last minute as I had to replace the function which drew...
  7. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    New versions of both the Fallout1&2 Hi-res patches are available for download. Highlights: The Interface-bar is now 800 pixels wide by default allowing for a wider console monitor (art edited/created by Continuum). You can revert it back to 640 in the ini if you wish. I've also been...
  8. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    It's down to what resolutions your monitor supports. In fallout2 you can get around this using sfall to scale up to your monitors native res but you don't have that option with fallout1. It's probably nothing to worry about, it seems to relate to centring the screen on the PCs position. This...
  9. M

    *BIS Mapper - Questions & Requests*

    @Pixote: Should be do-able I think, added to my list.
  10. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    @Sduibek: Oops, that was not intended, fallout 2 seems to have the same issue. I do most of my testing at 1680x1050 and it's not as obvious at that res, I'll get it fixed in the next release.
  11. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    I like the idea and it should be do-able. As I mentioned in the mapper thread real life's keeping me very busy at the moment but I'll take a look when I get the chance.
  12. M

    *BIS Mapper - Questions & Requests*

    Hi folks, just checking in. I'd like to say I've been working hard on the mapper but real life has been stealing all my modding time lately. Sadly this is a trend that's likely to continue for the next month or two. But I'll be sure to check back in once my schedule clears up a bit. Anyway...
  13. M

    Legendary modder interview: Mash

    Nothing particularly weird. You do get to see how fallout changed over time, with things being added and subtracted as the game evolved. For instance the dimensions of the hex tile grid may have originally been adjustable as there values are stored globally and accessed by several functions. But...
  14. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    If your intension is to run the game full-screen at your monitors native res (which you seems to be), I would turn off sfall's dx mode and set the hi-res colours to 32bit. This can be done from the in-game window so there's no need to mess with the ini's. Sfalls dx modes are good for scaling up...
  15. M

    *BIS Mapper - Questions & Requests*

    Well some of the things I wanted to try were: -Changing the way the art is displayed and sorted. Maybe a button to expand it out into a grid, customizable sections and what not. -I was toying with the idea of an extra panel on the right side. It's easier to reduce the size of the game window...
  16. M

    *BIS Mapper - Questions & Requests*

    A new version of the Mapper patch is out. As yet no extra features suggested in this thread have been added. But now that I've updated my Fallout1 patch I should have more free time to devote to it. Regarding time, my free time is going to be taken up with non-fallouty things over the next...
  17. M

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Fallout 1 High Res Patch 3.0.2 is up. Patches for Fallout2 and the Mapper have also been updated. The main addition is angled edge clipping, which is for tidying up the boundaries of maps which can't be made to fit in a rectangle. For Fallout2: Included map edge files for the RP and Mega Mod...
  18. M

    *BIS Mapper - Questions & Requests*

    Try creating the dev folder with the various sub folders under G:\fallout2\. It worked for me after I did this. Looking in the exe, it seem to use the drive letter the mapper is installed on.
  19. M

    *BIS Mapper - Questions & Requests*

    @ Pixote It could be the spaces or '.' chars in your path.
  20. M

    Fallout Collection and Windows 7

    With the Hi-Res Patch, did you try setting the resolution manually? Open the f1_res.ini and change SCR_WIDTH & SCR_HEIGHT to your monitors native res, you can also set COLOUR_BITS to 16 to fix the colour problem.