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  1. F

    i really loathe the FO3/Oblivion engine, i really do :(

    Look at it this way: at least it's possible to use all these console commands to help yourself instead of waiting for patches that will never come. I remember the time I lost tons of stuff in NV that was stored in the little flying robot. I managed to get it back after half an hour of tinkering.
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    Dark Souls

    I can see it already. They release a shitty port, people don't want to take it up the a so they complain and pirate. Developer complains about piracy, curses PC forever.
  3. F

    Jane Jensen Kickstarter - Creator of Gabriel Knight

    Yeah, I've seen other simpletons on this forum point out that silly article as well. As if it's damning criticism and applies to the whole genre. How did it get so popular anyway? While I don't give money for promises, I do hope that the game(s?) will be a good one.
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    Legend of Grimrock, old school dungeon crawler RPG

    God damn it. Glad I only got one of those chars. Spears can hit from second row??? I wish the game had told me that. Not even the manual mentions it.
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    Legend of Grimrock, old school dungeon crawler RPG

    Does it come with a dungeon creation tool? Should be pretty simple to make them due to the grid-based design.
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    Legend of Grimrock, old school dungeon crawler RPG

    I've never been into those old dungeon games, but I want to try this one.
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    No Mutants Allowed front-page redesign

    It feels weird to me that the whiteness doesn't blend in with the background. Like there's something missing.
  8. F

    Silent Hill: Downpour is...

    The SH series never shined in the combat department, though. All iterations that I've played have issues. Is it really that much worse in Downpour?
  9. F

    This has to be a joke, right? RIGHT?

    No, I think he's the one doing the anal raping.
  10. F

    Silent Hill: Downpour is...

    Yeah, the reviews haven't been great. I guess a PC port is completely out of the question by now. I'd still like to play it just because it's Silent Hill, but no way I'm going to buy a console for that.
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    Brian Fargo on "social" features

    A five year old game tailored for now obsolete console hardware.
  12. F

    Brian Fargo on "social" features

    That's not good at all. UE3 was designed with console corridor shooters in mind. Most open world games made with UE3 have horrible performance and bugs.
  13. F

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    Wow, you got your fish and your hamster. Those are some really meaningful choices.
  14. F

    Bioware Backlash

    Google "swtor missing unsubscribe button" for various sources. I originally read about it on 4chan and thought: "nice troll, no developer would ever do such a thing". I was wrong.
  15. F

    Bioware Backlash

    And a number of the players they didn't lose were the people who wanted to unsubscribe, but couldn't because they hid the button in some fine print ON THE LAST DAY of the free month. And when people started posting a workaround in the forums, the threads were systematically deleted. I'm glad I...
  16. F

    Bioware Backlash

    As someone who thought ME1 was mediocre and deleted DA1 after 30 minutes, I find it amusing that people took this long to notice things. I guess all the kids grew up or something. People are not exactly loving SWTOR either. One can only hope that the end of Bioware is nigh. It's time for a new...
  17. F

    Dear Esther

    Remember, it's not a game, it's more like a visual novel. I was too lazy to research, so I bought it thinking that it's an adventure game. It's not a game at all. You walk around, look at the pretty graphics and trigger short semi-random bits of a story. That is all. I wish Steam had given...
  18. F

    Double Fine Adventure raises over half a million in a day

    Are you kidding me? Telltale has been making some of the shittiest PnC adventures ever made. They're not even remotely as good as the old Lucasarts titles. Germany is pretty much the hub of PnC adventures nowadays. Daedalic and the people behind Black Mirror 2 & 3 have been doing a great job...
  19. F

    The Darkness II

    6 hours? Sigh. Can't say I'm surprised. Something had to be sacrificed for the co-op mode. One more reason to not buy it.