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  1. F

    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    Yeah......everyone saw that shit coming.
  2. F

    Hard Reset (Wooz's game) revealed

    Meh. The graphics and art are pretty good, other than that, a rather boring corridor shooter. The story didn't interest me either.
  3. F

    Games You're Looking Forward To

    Red Orchestra 2, Train Simulator 2012 (because they're actually adding significant improvements in this iteration). Sorta looking forward to BF3, but it'll probably be too similar to BC2.
  4. F

    Bethesda suing Notch

    Also, the Destructoid article doesn't sound biased at all. Not at all! :|
  5. F

    Bethesda suing Notch

    Yet somehow, "protecting" their "future games" results in Bethesda trying to stop Notch's game and suing for trademark infringement :roll:
  6. F

    Bethesda suing Notch

    Bethesda...Bethesda never changes.
  7. F

    An Anthem for all RPG players

    It does. It's used colloquially in the same way as "awesome" and "great" and "nice" and just about any other expression used to evaluate something positively. Not profound, but it has meaning. The song is shit, though.
  8. F

    Disc Shaped Object at the Bottom of the Baltic Sea

    God damn it, someone beat me to posting a picture from X-Com.
  9. F

    Norwegian Massacre

    It'd be interesting to see the recidivism statistics of those luxury prisons.
  10. F

    OnLive gets a launch date - June 17th

    I gave it a free try months ago and it sucked balls. I wouldn't pay a cent for this service. 1) Input lag. There was a noticeable delay in FEAR 2. It wasn't too bad, however, and I was able to finish my free trial (albeit on easy diff). Then I tried CMR: Dirt, a racing game. That's when the...
  11. F

    Norwegian Massacre

    Selective memory? :roll:
  12. F

    Norwegian Massacre

    But but but....Fox News told me only muslims do terrorism! :shock:
  13. F

    Woman Could Be Jailed For Vegetable Garden

    Well, she could be growing KILLER TOMATOES. That's just evil.
  14. F

    Portal 2 "free" DLC released

    Remember how Valve promised a free Portal 2 DLC? Well, it's out now. And it costs 140$. Not kidding. They decided to bundle the DLC exclusively with a costly, gimmicky motion control device for the PC, called the Razer Hydra. The DLC is apparently designed to only work with that device...
  15. F

    Unsurprisingly, Duke Nukem Forever reviews are negative

    My experience was correct. Halo has shit AI. Nothing you can say will change that fact.
  16. F

    Unsurprisingly, Duke Nukem Forever reviews are negative

    Most idiotic thing I've heard in weeks. -- Hey mister, I bought a car from you and it was a terrible experience. It broke down two hours after I bought it!" -- Your experience was WRONG! I've built cars for 10 years and have been selling them for 20 years, I've got an impressive professional...
  17. F

    Unsurprisingly, Duke Nukem Forever reviews are negative

    I probably played on normal difficulty. In practice, my experience was the opposite. It was stupid and easy to beat. But I'm sure it's great in theory -- like Beth's radiant AI...
  18. F

    Unsurprisingly, Duke Nukem Forever reviews are negative

    Yeah, it's the most sophisticated retarded kamikazi AI known to man. Seriously, did you play some kind of Halo Super AI Edition that I don't know of?
  19. F

    Legendary Fallout modder Prosper interviewed

    A while back, I listened to one of his videos on his Youtube account in which he was actually talking (I think it was him). He has removed that video, but it was bizarre. He doesn't seem like a troll, because trolls usually say things that are obviously meant to infuriate and bring up...
  20. F

    Unsurprisingly, Duke Nukem Forever reviews are negative
