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  1. F

    Crysis 2 - console dumbing or awesome game?

    Yeah, the graphics options were really perplexing. I initially had trouble figuring out which was the highest option :D. Apparently "gamer" is the lowest. It's annoying that one has to edit config files to turn off certain performance-draining features like motion blur and anti-aliasing that...
  2. F

    Crysis 2 - console dumbing or awesome game?

    I'm playing Crysis 1 and 2 intermittently and yes, they did indeed dumb down the game play in Crysis 2. Recoil was reduced a lot, energy expenditures were reduced, enemy health was reduced. The worst reduction is the environments. Whereas you had a lot of stealth and approach options in 1, there...
  3. F

    Input Device of the Future?

    I guess you didn't see that episode of South Park, so the problem is with you :smug:
  4. F

    Input Device of the Future?

    Those things look like dildos, I don't wanna stick one up my butt just to use my PC.
  5. F

    Input Device of the Future?

    From what was shown in the video there seems to be some lag. I too would like to know how much it samples.
  6. F

    Input Device of the Future?

    Say goodbye to your good old mouse and say hello to input lag.
  7. F

    8.9 Earthquake in Japan

    The Chinese are the only true capitalists.
  8. F

    8.9 Earthquake in Japan

    Huh? That's an Indian accent.
  9. F

    8.9 Earthquake in Japan

    CNN is saying there has been yet another explosion and that the Japanese PM says there's now a very high risk of further radioactive materials leaking. A Sim City scenario coming to life :/
  10. F

    8.9 Earthquake in Japan

    Wild hypothesis, based on cultural stereotypes: US culture is a lot more individualistic than Japanese culture. It promotes that individuals should take care of themselves, take control of their lives. Therefore when disaster strikes, Americans tend to do just about anything to ensure their own...
  11. F

    8.9 Earthquake in Japan

    I blame Republicans. :lol: Well, since they're having such problems as shit blowing up and shit not getting properly cooled, I think that is a possibility. :|
  12. F

    8.9 Earthquake in Japan

    They are now having problems at the Onagawa plant too.
  13. F

    Muammar Gaddafi and Battlefield 3 gameplay.

    Yup, Red Orchestra 2 looks pretty awesome, I'll probably pre-order it. Something tells me I'll like it more than BF3.
  14. F

    Muammar Gaddafi and Battlefield 3 gameplay.

    Exactly. Project Reality found out when testing an experimental 128 p server that even their 4 sq km maps were a bit too small with so many players.
  15. F

    8.9 Earthquake in Japan

    I'm seeing it for the first time right now :roll: By the way, my "America......fuck. Just fuck." comment wasn't meant as "Fuck America", but a paraphrase of the line "America, fuck yeah!" from Team America. Good. What can I say, I learned from the best (you know who you are). Dunno...
  16. F

    I can hardly believe this... (US environmental policy)

    Of course. Which is why I said "EVEN in academic writing". The precise statement turned out to be invalid. The fact that a majority of Nevadans are against the project did not. :roll: But does it have to be above a fault line when people know it's there? You can understand why some people...
  17. F

    I can hardly believe this... (US environmental policy)

    Yeah, because it's not a politician's job to serve the people....what?
  18. F

    8.9 Earthquake in Japan

    Whaaaaaaa...I don't even know what to say. America........fuck. Just fuck.
  19. F

    8.9 Earthquake in Japan

    Great, now the Japanese will become even weirder.
  20. F

    I can hardly believe this... (US environmental policy)

    Heh, I knew someone would say that. People tend to play the "Wikipedia cannot be trusted" card when you rebut their argument with information from Wiki. Still, that doesn't change the fact that most of what I quoted was accurate. Wiki is not sole-source, its articles contain references to...