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  1. aenemic

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Replaying Borderlands with all the DLC (which I never played before). Hoping to get Borderlands 2's DLC's for a decent price during the christmas sale so I can continue with that one. I love the writing in these games. And having recently tried jumping back into Fallout 4, playing Borderlands...
  2. aenemic

    What were the first days of the internet like?

    Oh man, I remember that game like it was yesterday. It also reminded me of Tank Wars, which me and my friends played the shit out of back in the day. Kind of hilarious how easily entertained you were back then, compared to what we desire from games these days.
  3. aenemic

    What's your favorite vidya game/series?

    I find it hard to have a real favorite series since there will always be disappointment somewhere along the line. But here are some series that rarely disappoint, I guess: Mass Effect Dark Souls XCOM (both old and new) Fallout Parasite Eve Borderlands The Witcher Dragon Age Knights of The Old...
  4. aenemic

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I had a momentary lapse of sanity and reinstalled Fallout 4. I had just been playing through Far Cry 3 and 4 and was on a bit of an fps exploration high, and thought that "hey, maybe if I don't at all try to play it as an rpg I might find some sort of enjoyment in it". Nope. Only a few hours...
  5. aenemic

    What the fuck happened to Fallout 4's weapons?

    Even worse, you constantly loot pipe weapons from pre-war locations.
  6. aenemic

    The FBI got mail about visits of “beings from other dimensions”

    Those seem to be the norm around here.
  7. aenemic

    Which famous do you most look like?

    The tits? (I'm calling you fat)
  8. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    I can't speak for the rest of Europe, but what I call the far right is the right wing party that used to be a neo nazi party and that still seeks support from nazi organizations. I could post some proof, but I don't care enough to sit and translate a bunch of stuff from Swedish at the moment...
  9. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Haha, getting your "facts" from great sources I see. Fria Tider is the number one propaganda machine for the far right here, and is proven again and again to spread false information while being economically backed by members of the Sweden Democrats. I used to live in one of the so called "no...
  10. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    That might be fraud, yes. But there's no evidence for it being intentional, hence fraud. The post said it was fixed later. If it was intentional, that would be an incredibly stupid way to try to garner votes, but yes it would be fraud. Now for the rest, please.
  11. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    We've come a long way in reporting rape, that's all that tells you. And you didn't adress anything else in my posts. How's that arguments thing going?
  12. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    That's extremely exaggerated bullshit from the right and it doesn't have one bit to do with what I asked. Still waiting for someone to explain how any of that is voting fraud.
  13. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    How is that? We respect our voters intelligence enough not to be swayed by a piece of paper outside the voting station.
  14. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    How is any of that fraud? I'm seriously asking, is there anything being done that is actually illegal? Is there any proof? As for the YouTube video, here in Sweden when you vote there are always representatives from different parties handing out ballots outside. You're free to take one, you're...
  15. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Lol, Trump is already crying about vote fraud. He must be very confident in his chances of winning.
  16. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    I am above it all. Compare your number of posts in this thread to mine. An argument for you being a moron? Ok, let's see... you're beating your hands bloody trying to convince randoms on a Fallout forum that Trump is a good choice for president. The simple fact that your typical response to...
  17. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Oh, trust me I know. I started being active on forums about 12 years ago and pretty soon realized what a waste of time and energy it is to argue in this format. You haven't seen me very active in this thread or any other political discussions, after all. It's just fun to point out when someone...
  18. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    And yours is? He's a megalomaniac. It feeds his ego. It feeds his brand.
  19. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    You're missing my point, I'm not going for "vote for Hillary, at least she's not Trump". I'm going for "this whole election is ridiculous and laughable and I feel ashamed for all americans for having a system where you end up with these two". And ultimately, that you're making a fool out of...
  20. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    That is such a useless arguement though. No matter what Hillary has done or hasn't done, it doesn't make Donal Trump fit to be president. I don't like Hillary and would much rather see someone else, but that doesn't matter at all. If these things about her are true, she will get hers in due time...