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  1. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    This is the best humor thread ever.
  2. aenemic

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Don't know about Kinguin in particular, but it's not uncommon that keys sold on sites like that are acquired through illegal means. Might not be a problem, but every once in a while publishers will ban such keys and even though you bought the game yourself through legitimate channels, you're fucked.
  3. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Everyone must help pay, that's how taxes work. And it costs what can be afforded - the more money available, the more can be spent. Should be quite obvious. Why does it have to be one or the other? And doesn't it speak volumes about Trump that you need his rival to be more or less the devil...
  4. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    And maintaining that technology and infrastructure, not to mention education and healthcare that didn't exist back then, doesn't at all cost more than 2 days worth of taxes.
  5. aenemic

    POLL: Trump or Hillary

    Neither have roads or the wheel. Just because a concept is old, doesn't mean it's bad. It's a matter of how it's used. And that has definitely changed over thousands of years. But I bet you have an idea on what's better than democracy.
  6. aenemic


    Please continue consistently trying to make this into me being offended, if that gives you gratification and fills some sort of emptiness in your life. Like I said, you're welcome to think I was offended. I'm willing to give that to you. Now I'm going to go cry like a REAL WOMAN.
  7. aenemic


    Haha, and I'm the one getting riled up... 1. The fact that you got so triggered from me sarcastically addressing your attempt at supposed humor pleases me, because it only goes to show how big of a manbaby you are. 2. Quoting a dictionary doesn't make you come across as intellectual. It only...
  8. aenemic


    Meh, I'm too old for this high school shit. If you want to believe I was offended, go ahead. If you didn't try to get a rise out of anyone, why did you even make that initial post? You don't even have to answer. Just take a moment and reflect.
  9. aenemic


    I wanted to point out the silliness of your trying to offend by using gender roles.
  10. aenemic


    See, I don't care at all how much of a "man" someone thinks me to be. I find the entire concept of using gender roles as insults ridiculous. So there's absolutely no offence taken, sweetie.
  11. aenemic

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Or they are constantly underestimating the sheer idiocy of the right. It is hard taking them seriously about 80% of the time.
  12. aenemic


    I'll be whatever you want me to be, baby. Because real men are so secure in their manhood that they need to make it known to the entire world by spending time on the internet, getting triggered when they feel their supposed manhood being threatened. I forgot.
  13. aenemic


    Bitch, please. I'm a swede with a red beard.
  14. aenemic

    Russia unveils first image of its Satan 2 super-nuke

    Yeah, I was kinda disappointed in the range of anything smaller than the Tzar bomb... It's interesting to consider what locations would actually be bombed though. Don't really know what would be interesting targets in Sweden besides Stockholm and Gottland.
  15. aenemic

    Russia unveils first image of its Satan 2 super-nuke

    It's unfortunately nothing more than a penis measuring contest.
  16. aenemic

    Russia unveils first image of its Satan 2 super-nuke

    Do it already. Wipe it out. Wipe it all out.
  17. aenemic

    Hands on look at new skyrim "remaster"

    You seem to keep forgetting this isn't made for PC players. It's made for the current gen consoles, and to cash in on mod availability on consoles. It's a free upgrade on PC because they know no one in their right mind would pay full price for it. On console, however...
  18. aenemic

    Rise of the Tomb Raider

    Even if the story might be a bit rehashed, the game itself is so much better. Much more than a reskin. I really liked both games. The first one felt a bit linear but had a decent story, likeable characters and most of all fun gameplay. The second one was more of everything, and everything...
  19. aenemic

    Who's the worst in Bethesda?

    He comes across as a frat bro who got the job through his frat bro friend. I have no idea what he's doing there, he isn't interested in rpg's and he has no clue about game design. Those things shouldn't matter that much for a PR guy, but as you said it seems like he does have some sort of...
  20. aenemic

    Nintendo NX Preview Tomorrow!

    So yet another gimmick. How fun.