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  1. aenemic

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    Really hope this is coming to PC, I remember wanting to play the first one so bad but were never able to.
  2. aenemic

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Hey, no offence intended. We can't choose what we look like. But yeah, that shit was fucked up. Just knowing that he at one point sat in the very chair I'm sitting in as I type this...
  3. aenemic

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Oh I didn't see that line. I have to admit, I haven't listened to the entirtiy of Once More. But after The Hunter I felt kind of done. I don't blame bands for getting lame. Well, sometimes I sort of do. But I get the appeal of wanting to broaden your audience, and to change things up. And I...
  4. aenemic

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    You remind me of someone I went to school with a couple of years ago. He ended up strangling and chopping up a girl. His semen was found on her panties. I'm not even kidding. You look so much like him.
  5. aenemic

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    I think I posted "Asleep In The Deep" in the Order Music Thread, mentioning it's the only good thing they've done in a long time. The butts are likely just for fun, but their whole image has changed and I consider them sort of having "sold out", even if I don't like that term very much. They've...
  6. aenemic

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Wow, that is a new low for Mastodon. There's barely a market for music videos these days, so I guess you just gotta what what you gotta do... You sound like a smart man. Their videos are actually mostly made by their guitarist, Adam Jones. He's also a special effects guy who worked on movies...
  7. aenemic

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Happy adulthood in advance. You're still almost half my age though, so your opinion is still only half as important as mine. Very much so.
  8. aenemic

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Your mom is a blood disorder. Besides, aren't you like 12? Who cares about your opinion? Are you even allowed to have opinions yet?
  9. aenemic

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Yeah it's a scary thought. I used to be very active on another forum, where I posted A LOT of personal information, pictures and what not. Even hooked up with a girl through the forums. All that shit is still out there. Not only that, parents are uploading their kids' lives on the internet...
  10. aenemic

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Half the charm of Clerks is the writing. Jay & Silent Bob is about 25%. The piss poor acting is the last 25%.
  11. aenemic

    "Modern" Fallout

    It would have been extremely generic. What's your point?
  12. aenemic

    Computer issue - Reboot and select proper boot device.

    Clean your fucking monitor to begin with.
  13. aenemic

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    It's fantastic. I don't play it for the story, but it's alright. I think they paced it pretty well and managed to get some mystery in there that has you curious in investigating further. It's shock full of clichés, but what fantasy rpg isn't? It's certainly not holding your hand, although they...
  14. aenemic

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Divinity: Original Sin, in wait of the sequel. Thinking of picking up Shadow Warrior 2. It looks like some mindless fun. It's been a while since I played an fps and I think I need to scratch that itch. Such a good game though.
  15. aenemic

    So, what does bethesda need to do to go bankrupt?

    Even if they don't improve with their next game, there's no way they will go bankrupt just like that. It would take something extreme. Even if Fallout 4 wasn't their highest rated game ever, you can bet your ass it made them helluva lot of money and they are still one of the most popular...
  16. aenemic

    Tyranny Discussion Thread

    Use words, not memes.
  17. aenemic

    Divinity original sin 2

    You choose who you play with. Play with someone who isn't going to try to ruin the game for you. Some mistakes here and there will only be fun, especially if you're really into roleplaying your characters. But if both (or all 3 or 4) of you are mainly interested in completing the game, I don't...
  18. aenemic

    Divinity original sin 2

    I have no idea how it actually works, as I've barely touched the game let alone played in co-op. But I definitely doubt that you can actually ruin the game into complete failure for each other. It's actually one thing I'm very excited about seeing how it will work. ChristopherOdd is playing the...
  19. aenemic

    Trump is winning

    Well, the joke here is how easily people get triggered by these statements. Take that as you will.