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  1. TheGM

    If anything we need MORE global warming.

    If anything we need MORE global warming.
  2. TheGM

    I am blissfully unawares of whatever the hell that is and plan on remaining so.

    I am blissfully unawares of whatever the hell that is and plan on remaining so.
  3. TheGM

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    I for one appreciate Buxom's taking of the time to assemble one massive hammer of a joke to bonk Graves with.
  4. TheGM


  5. TheGM

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    There will be no more free will, only my will out of 10.
  6. TheGM

    Peace Sells, but who's buying?

    Peace Sells, but who's buying?
  7. TheGM

    Gender politics in The Outer Worlds

    I think the broken image link makes the joke better.
  8. TheGM

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    Insert words to signify disgust and wanting to see a meteor hit the planet here.
  9. TheGM

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    I for one support Total Coyote Death. It isn't Animal Cruelty, it is pest control. Also Total Wild Pig Death while I am at. At most I wouldn't mind this part becoming reality.
  10. TheGM

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    This is the UNPOPULAR opinion thread. Not the popular opinion thread. That one gets plastered all over the place.
  11. TheGM

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Since it is the season, this Christmas Classic.
  12. TheGM


  13. TheGM

    Gender politics in The Outer Worlds

    Ugly? I guess in comparison to the majestic figure that is Robert Z'dar, sure.