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  1. TheGM

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    But somehow found time to build a Olmec Temple in Oregon.
  2. TheGM

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    Ah yes, people should be well versed it the world that was cleansed in a atomic fire centuries prior. I for one really want to know the tax laws of the commonwealths prior to the apocalypse.
  3. TheGM

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    which is a good thing. If everything is shrouded in mystery you have plenty a leeway to pull things from a the depth of the pre-war world. If you tell everybody this is how this works, you set up a set of rules the world runs on, which makes some of the more erroneous asspulls look even more...
  4. TheGM

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    It's because Todd wants Fallout to be forever stuck in that in that Mad Max Post-Apocalypse setting, despite setting his game 2 centuries after it happened. Also wiping out the west coast makes it being a total shit hole like his east coast. B-b-but Todd said he likes New Vegas!!! Like the...
  5. TheGM

    Put on my red Shoes to dance to dance away the blues.

    Put on my red Shoes to dance to dance away the blues.
  6. TheGM

    DEI Detected (website)

    Imaging having to check a list to see if your upcoming purchases or totally fucked or not.
  7. TheGM

    Fortnite Fallout teaser

    I second this motion.
  8. TheGM

    Fortnite Fallout teaser

    god that helmet looks like shit.
  9. TheGM

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Or do they!?!?! *cue dramatic music*
  10. TheGM

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Well you don't have to like somebody to help them. Their generosity could be born from a sense of duty or even superiority. Also the irony of Vault-Tec being so assmad about Shady Sands getting in the way of Vault-Tec rebuilding the world despite the NCR being founded by people from Vault 15...
  11. TheGM

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    we loosed them on the environment FOR SCIENCE!
  12. TheGM

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Turns out The Master being originally from Vault-City was Vault-Tec the entire time.
  13. TheGM

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    Something something FEV in the Atmosphere something inoculation something something.
  14. TheGM

    Fallout: The Series now the most successful Amazon show ever

    All of them but Fargo. Saw the movie.
  15. TheGM

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    It is actually an acronym. Capitalists Oppressing American Liberties.
  16. TheGM

    Has Anyone Ever Noticed This Before?

    Well you see the Super Mutants on the West Coast have hair. The East Coast has Orkz from Warhammer, they have no hair.