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  1. TheGM

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Sure my EVIL schemes have rendered my sums of material and fiat wealth completely useless. Because I will use Human Suffering as the currency now! See the biggest investment of this new capital was the war itself because despite having all the money, wealth and power with no government...
  2. TheGM

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Don't you see Brady that Capitalism is bad because COAL. I'm from *area* that means I am an expert on the subject.
  3. TheGM

    i'm trying to play fallout 4 and its miserable

    Reading all this makes me remember why I never finished this game. If I ever do get around doing another run, I'm going the route that doesn't have me doing a bunch of community bullshit because that is even more busy work.
  4. TheGM

    That's it, BACK TO WINNIPEG!

    That's it, BACK TO WINNIPEG!
  5. TheGM

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    It's almost like it was written by a complete hack.
  6. TheGM

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    ain't nobody gonna remember that shit.
  7. TheGM

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    All you should knows is that consequences will never be the same!
  8. TheGM

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    Except when you still die in the ending. Damn kids and their lack of spacial awareness.
  9. TheGM

    Microsoft shuts down several Bethesda studios, merges others

    What's wrong with a corporation telling you how much they care by giving you a free Groomer flag icon to display proudly?
  10. TheGM

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    Like that would make it any better. Die on purpose or Die on accident.
  11. TheGM

    Unpopular Opinion on Fallout 4 & 76's Power Armor

    I wish the T-60 didn't look like ass.
  12. TheGM

    Ten Reasons Why Fallout 4 is worse than Fallout 3

    Only if you paid for that privilege.
  13. TheGM

    So what do people think of the characters?

    Some castle. I could assail that with 10 good men and a ladder. the citadel would fall before anybody cognified the happenings that were transpiring.
  14. TheGM

    When villains are wrong in the franchise

    Not only that but the Lieutenant is totally aware of the sterility problem and has deemed it to be problem to be addressed in the future.
  15. TheGM

    So what do people think of the characters?

    Man, only if The International Horse Buggy Corporation released the plague again they would have won Capitalism(which is now something you can win at).
  16. TheGM

    AV Club and which games should you play post show- thoughts?

    POP CULTURE REFERENCE! I GET THAT!!!! Fallout 1 point and click: BAD! Fallout 2 point and click: GOOD! Fallout 3 point and click:
  17. TheGM

    AV Club and which games should you play post show- thoughts?

    He means using the mouse and clicking. which you do in a Fallout 3 anyway. Unless we are dealing with a controller babby.
  18. TheGM

    Notes on Fallout TV (Return to the Nolanverse complete, Review notes complete)

    Not any more they don't! random mention of racism here.