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  1. TheGM

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    There isn't much going on and it was a rather brief game. After while all the character start running together since they all look the same and then you have the one crew member who is a retard. Someone here on the forum was trying to explain what special branch of retard they were but who gives...
  2. TheGM

    Josh Sawyer interview at RPS

    if it is something so easily duplicated why hasn't Bethesda done so?
  3. TheGM

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Doesn't that just torpedo the idea that Fallout needed a reset by nuking Shady Sands if most people didn't even know Shady Sands was even a thing in Fallout? wut?
  4. TheGM

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Depends on how far you want to go into the socialism well. there is nothing in baseline socialism that says people can't own property. Once you start getting into the weeds that is when shit starts getting silly. Oh it is far more retarded than that. I give you Hitler's own personal touch...
  5. TheGM

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Fascism doesn't work because it is stupid, gay and dumb. The different flavors of it from Hitler to Mussolini to even Franco(everybody forgets about Franco) sucked shit and were retarded. Almost as retarded as thinking political views can be summed up on a 2-D chart.
  6. TheGM

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Because of two reasons. 1st it is true and 2nd I get to fact troll two groups of people at once. Socialists when you point how the Nazis are socialists and Nazis when you tell them they are are socialists. Remember Hitler said it himself. "I am a socialist" - Hitler. Well Fascism as written by...
  7. TheGM

    The one with the canted magazine right?

    The one with the canted magazine right?
  8. TheGM

    Hey that's my fetish, get your own.

    Hey that's my fetish, get your own.
  9. TheGM

    Goddammit, I hate being wrong - showrunners fucked New Vegas

    So on top of being hacks, they're retarded too. Turns out Retards were Vault-Tec the entire time.
  10. TheGM

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Turns out Chris Redfield is actually a Native American because of that script George Romero wrote for a Resident Evil movie in the 90's. Umbrella was also Vault-Tec.
  11. TheGM

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Turns out we were actually Vault-Tec the entire time.
  12. TheGM

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    It's not very often one gets the chance to bring up Ayn Rand's cult house and how she got thrown out of her own cult.
  13. TheGM

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    So you are telling me the lady who spent the last years of her life holded up in house with her own personal cult that she was eventually ejected from had some blind spots?
  14. TheGM

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    it really be like that, don't it.
  15. TheGM

    So I watched the first episode of the Fallout TV show.......

    Vault-Tec dropped The Chinese on FEV bombs made by Aliens.
  16. TheGM

    Canon Is What YOU Make Of It, Not What You're Told.

    Too bad Water World bombed because Fallout Pirates would be a sick faction.
  17. TheGM

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    People still haven't figured this out.
  18. TheGM

    So I watched the first episode of the Fallout TV show.......

    The Chinese dropped the Bombs because of Vault-Tec.