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  1. Big No

    NMA member Atomic Postman passed away March 3

    I also never got the opportunity to talk with him much, but I definitely saw him post a lot. Tons of concepts for the world of Fallout if I remember correctly. That takes quite a lot of passion, more than what I could do certainly.
  2. Big No

    Fallout: New Vegas 2 - Some Chris Avellone Twatter Q&A

    That just sort of seems like delaying the inevitable though. Assuming they were to make more than one Fallout game take place in that region, all of them would need to be prequels. That would in turn hinder a lot of roleplaying elements I believe since it means the NCR, Legion, some of the...
  3. Big No

    Fallout: New Vegas 2 - Some Chris Avellone Twatter Q&A

    I feel like if there's ever another Fallout game that takes place in the American Southwest, it's going to have to chose an ending as a necessary evil. The war within New Vegas is quite a large, region changing one and to just try to not acknowledge it in any way in a sequel is going to be...
  4. Big No

    I guess I need to go out and buy and hammer and sickle now.

    I guess I need to go out and buy and hammer and sickle now.
  5. Big No

    There will never be another Need for Speed with cop chases like Most Wanted (2005)

    I played a Need for Speed title in the early 00's though I have no idea which one. I was still new to gaming being a wee lad so I thought the game was broken when I couldn't accelerate. In hindsight, I probably just set the game to manual instead of automatic. I also played around with Need for...
  6. Big No

    As a Canadian, it got the "I need emergency powers forever" part accurate too.

    As a Canadian, it got the "I need emergency powers forever" part accurate too.
  7. Big No

    I dunno about Pikachu but the Sonic movie was good for what it was. I'm glad it did well and...

    I dunno about Pikachu but the Sonic movie was good for what it was. I'm glad it did well and hopefully the sequels do too. God knows we need some decent video game movies.
  8. Big No

    Are Gen 3 Synths People?

    Depends if humans are the only ones allowed to be considered "people". Half the characters in Futurama are aliens or mutants but I'd be hesitant to not consider them "people". Granted, I'd also be hesitant to call the robots, barring Bender, to be "people" either, so what do I know.
  9. Big No

    Am I in the minority when I say I'm not bothered by Super Mutants in Fallout 3?

    I believe rad chickens are my favorite.
  10. Big No

    I think they do it more as an "Artsy" thing or to test their animation skills. Doesn't explain...

    I think they do it more as an "Artsy" thing or to test their animation skills. Doesn't explain the nude ones though...
  11. Big No

    3D music videos of the characters dancing.

    3D music videos of the characters dancing.
  12. Big No

    Am I in the minority when I say I'm not bothered by Super Mutants in Fallout 3?

    A similar example would be Saints Row IV. SRIV is so radically different from SR1-3 that it probably should've been a spin-off itself. Going from urban gang crime to fighting aliens with superpowers was too large a leap for a mainline installment. Even Saints Row The Third for all it's flaws was...
  13. Big No

    There's a strange amount of MMD's of Pyra and Mythra

    There's a strange amount of MMD's of Pyra and Mythra
  14. Big No

    There will never be another Need for Speed with cop chases like Most Wanted (2005)

    I finished Most Wanted not too long ago after I bought a copy from eBay. One of the better racing games out there, if only because the chases are what make the game fun. The actual racing portions of the game are pretty basic and standard. The only issue I have is how unpredictable the physics...
  15. Big No

    Xenoblade 2 had some damn good hentai I will admit.

    Xenoblade 2 had some damn good hentai I will admit.
  16. Big No

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    Basically this. I can't really get mad or annoyed at people being excited over a TV show based on a popular gaming franchise if they're just regular people. We'd essentially be wanting for them to be omniscient about the franchise's flaws by that point, knowing about what makes Bethesda games...
  17. Big No

    Supposedly the reason some anime have ultra long titles is because in Japan those anime were...

    Supposedly the reason some anime have ultra long titles is because in Japan those anime were adapted from manga that had the ultra long title instead of a synopsis on the back. Tells you everything you need to know in one sentence.
  18. Big No

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    To be fair, I think Bethesda rectified this somewhat in Fallout 4. There's not too much cowboy stuff anywhere but their is a lot of sailor and maritime stuff around The Commonwealth. It blends better with the environment for sure.
  19. Big No

    Kill La Kill allows me to enjoy all of those things at once.

    Kill La Kill allows me to enjoy all of those things at once.