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  1. Big No

    The Outer Worlds 2

    I have a really hard time getting excited for this since not only do I feel that it's a bit too soon to announce a sequel yet, but I felt TOW was pretty average all things considered. It was a fine game, but I get Fallout 4 vibes from it in terms of gameplay and sometimes the writing. While...
  2. Big No

    TKsMantis got banned from Fallout 4 New Vegas because of his opinions on fallout the frontier

    That was one of the criticisms of LA Noire for sure. A recreation of 40's LA is great and all, but there wasn't too much to do besides find cars and collectables. Only history buffs would probably get a kick out of the immense detail.
  3. Big No

    TKsMantis got banned from Fallout 4 New Vegas because of his opinions on fallout the frontier

    I believe Rockstar kept the IP for LA Noire though so if they wanted to make a sequel than they have the ability to do so.
  4. Big No

    TKsMantis got banned from Fallout 4 New Vegas because of his opinions on fallout the frontier

    I wouldn't mind a sequel to LA Noire using modern technology, although that would require Rockstar to stop releasing GTA V for a few minutes which they'll never do.
  5. Big No

    TKsMantis got banned from Fallout 4 New Vegas because of his opinions on fallout the frontier

    Truth: Just come clean and tell us what happened. Doubt: You killed her didn't you? You hated her with every fiber of your being and you wanted her dead. You went to her house and bashed her head in! Go on, say you're lying. Lie: You killed her and we know why. <realizes you don't have proof>...
  6. Big No

    TKsMantis got banned from Fallout 4 New Vegas because of his opinions on fallout the frontier

    The irony is that the Fallout 3 mod will probably turn out better than the New Vegas one since the F4CW team has cut ties with F4NV over the latter's constant issues bleeding over to the former's dev team. F4CW doesn't want to deal with that shit.
  7. Big No

    I prefer the rapping grim reaper and the psychotic detective more.

    I prefer the rapping grim reaper and the psychotic detective more.
  8. Big No

    Mortal Kombat 2021 review

    You can tell the movie is mediocre because CT Phipps actually gave it a rating below 8/10.
  9. Big No

    I've fallen into the rabbit hole that is Vtubers.

    I've fallen into the rabbit hole that is Vtubers.
  10. Big No

    Word is that they're remaking TLOU1 to promote the TV series

    Word is that they're remaking TLOU1 to promote the TV series
  11. Big No

    Sequels are never as good as the original though

    Sequels are never as good as the original though
  12. Big No

    Gaming pet peeves

    Motion blur is only good for racing games in my opinion. I've played Need for Speed Payback which has either very little motion blur or none at all. Let me tell you, going 170MPH in that game feels like a Sunday drive with how boring it is.
  13. Big No

    Will TLOU1 join the ranks of Skyrim & GTA V for most rereleases?

    Will TLOU1 join the ranks of Skyrim & GTA V for most rereleases?
  14. Big No

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Considering the ending slide has the narrator confuse Hopeville for the Divide itself, I can believe this.
  15. Big No

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    I believe that one fella was TK-Mantis, or he was at least in a similar boat.
  16. Big No

    Say what you want about Oblivion, but it's theme is pretty damn good.

    Say what you want about Oblivion, but it's theme is pretty damn good.
  17. Big No

    Outer Worlds - Massive Disappointment

    Digging this thread up a bit, I just watched this video about TOW. I'm surprised the game didn't get more hate seeing as it appears to be on the level of Fallout 4 in terms of design and writing. The Board is essentially just the Institute but with a corporation makeover from the looks of it.
  18. Big No

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Doesn't that happen in Old World Blues if you pick certain dialogue options with your brain? Something to do with a flag not existing so it just endlessly loops?
  19. Big No

    Many a True Nerd "Fallout 3 is Better than you Think"

    The main issue with a Fallout game having to have Super Mutants, Enclave and BOS is that it makes the world seem way to small and everything is connected to absurd degrees. It's like having a Marvel movie where the bad guy HAS to be a HYDRA agent or be related to HYDRA otherwise it's not a...
  20. Big No

    Many a True Nerd "Fallout 3 is Better than you Think"

    I don't mind Bloatflies as an enemy honestly. It's always good to have at least one "Mudcrab" type enemy that everyone can curb stomp if only for the amusement factor. A good "starter enemy" to put alongside the tougher ones (Geckos, Coyotes, etc) for new players to fight against as they get...