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  1. Big No

    Mafia: Definitive Edition Trilogy

    It keeps about 70% of the original story with the other 30% being either new scenes or seemingly pointless changes. For example, A trip to the Country has Salvatore speak exclusively Italian in it which I find to be a good change yet they also turn it into a shooting gallery at the end after...
  2. Big No

    Well I do have a thing for short haired girls too

    Well I do have a thing for short haired girls too
  3. Big No

    Poppi? Maybe, though I can't say for certain I ever saw her that way

    Poppi? Maybe, though I can't say for certain I ever saw her that way
  4. Big No

    They were designed by hentai artists after all and I find big tiddy hentai girls hot so...

    They were designed by hentai artists after all and I find big tiddy hentai girls hot so...
  5. Big No

    Mafia: Definitive Edition Trilogy

    Pretty annoyed that this scene was cut entirely.
  6. Big No

    I only enjoyed the second one for the pron of Pyra tbh

    I only enjoyed the second one for the pron of Pyra tbh
  7. Big No

    It's Out.

    He made a part 2 if it matters.
  8. Big No

    Yeah, it's different contextually but they play the same which is probably what people complain...

    Yeah, it's different contextually but they play the same which is probably what people complain about how both ends are the same.
  9. Big No

    From a gameplay perspective it kinda is.

    From a gameplay perspective it kinda is.
  10. Big No

    All I wish for is a Twinsanity remake.

    All I wish for is a Twinsanity remake.
  11. Big No

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Far Cry New Dawn for all it's faults is pretty good. I find it funny how people complained that it took place in the same area as Far Cry 5 though. Hope County has a much different aesthetic to it compared to 5's Hope County. It's the same map but it feels new which is the point. Certain areas...
  12. Big No

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    For devil's advocate, the first 2 Fallout's have you go from town to town with the dot that travels across the wasteland automatically, with some random encounters and smaller areas in between to break it up. All in an isometric format so stuff like seeing structures like Vegas or instance off...
  13. Big No

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    Korrin's fault, who made the guy who loved Fallout 3 a moderator here?
  14. Big No

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    Wait, if Oblivion is 100% bad then that means everything in the game is bad. Characters, weapons, even things in the environment. That would mean that even the design/appearance of things in Oblivion would be bad! You're gonna have to fight me @Norzan to convince me the Knight of Order armor...
  15. Big No

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    To be honest, if you enjoy anything other than Fallout 1 or 2 you're objectively a shit person.
  16. Big No

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    Sonic 06 had banging music and if you think it was shit you have objectively shit taste in music.
  17. Big No

    At least the film appears to be doing terribly everywhere, including China. Safe to say this...

    At least the film appears to be doing terribly everywhere, including China. Safe to say this movie is complete flop.
  18. Big No

    Press X to Doubt intensifies

    Press X to Doubt intensifies
  19. Big No

    Things you like from Fallout 3

    I know it's a bit of a shallow reason but I do enjoy the fact Fallout 3 takes place in Washington D.C. and it's surrounding areas in a open-world format. Besides maybe The Division 2 which I never played, I can't think of many open-world games that take place in the region. Most of the time the...