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  1. Big No

    Heavy Rain is still David Cage's best game on virtue of being silly yet consistent.

    Heavy Rain is still David Cage's best game on virtue of being silly yet consistent.
  2. Big No

    The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

    And somehow more feminine than the character she portrayed.
  3. Big No

    The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

    I dunno bro, nuclear war proving the Peggies right makes their role in Far Cry 5 not look as insane as you'd think they are at least. At least they chill out in New Dawn. I've seen people complaining "wHy ArEn'T TheY mUrdeRing EverYonE?" in ND. Their entire goal was to save everyone from the...
  4. Big No

    The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

    Good background noise when I'm browsing around though.
  5. Big No

    The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

    Don't worry, Mauler will be doing a critique soon and knowing his style it should be 10 hours long. Probably more fun than playing the actual game tbh.
  6. Big No

    At least Ken eventually became a Cole.

    At least Ken eventually became a Cole.
  7. Big No

    Well Mario and Sonic are two different types of games. They're both platformers but Sonic has...

    Well Mario and Sonic are two different types of games. They're both platformers but Sonic has always been about speed and quick reflexes.
  8. Big No

    I never played the classic games but I can see the appeal it would have to fans of the older games.

    I never played the classic games but I can see the appeal it would have to fans of the older games.
  9. Big No

    Secretly Dr Fallout just forgot his password and found it a day ago on an old piece of paper.

    Secretly Dr Fallout just forgot his password and found it a day ago on an old piece of paper.
  10. Big No

    I demand equal amounts of shitting on!

    I demand equal amounts of shitting on!
  11. Big No

    I just realized the Fallout board descriptions haven't ever been updated and they rag on F3 even...

    I just realized the Fallout board descriptions haven't ever been updated and they rag on F3 even though F4 & 76 are technically worse games.
  12. Big No

    The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

    To be fair, it was someone else who made the video and two hours is much shorter compared to how padded out TLOU2 is.
  13. Big No

    The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

    Is comparing a book with a game really going to have the same impact on the person consuming it though? Video games are an interaction heavy experience, it's not just that Abby lives in the end but YOU the player have been actively tracking her down along with Ellie. So when Ellie makes the...
  14. Big No

    The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

    Pretty much the running joke on TLOU2's thread on KiwiFarms. They find it more humorous to imagine Abby just killing literally every Joel she meets. I assume Walp knows the real reason but it's a humorous concept to consider. "Thanks for the help against those Clickers... uh" "Oh, my name's...
  15. Big No

    The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

    Talking Ulysses down is unethical. He caused too much suffering for second chances. Disappointed in you Obsidian for providing that option.
  16. Big No

    The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

    I mean... Most tend to put the game in a 6/10 region which sounds fair enough as well. Graphics and gameplay are great but dropped the ball on writing. And let's face it, nobody bought TLOU2 thinking they'd get MGSV-level gameplay, they bought it for the writing.
  17. Big No

    The Last of Us 2 - Two cowgirls murdering each other's loved ones

    Didn't the part where she kills the pregnant character happen several months before she hunts down Abby in California though? Obviously taking a pregnant woman's life isn't something you just get over in a few months' time, but I do find it odd Ellie wanted to kill Abby enough that she left Dina...