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  1. MKSaibot

    Any Ultima fans here?

    Ultima 4 I was in 5th grade I believe when I first played it at school and I didn't ever really know what was going on but could not get over how cool the ship's were. Ive always been way into pirates . . . Ive played Ultima 4 and later on played & beat Ultima 8 which I was way addicted to I...
  2. MKSaibot

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10 for beard
  3. MKSaibot

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Im sure I will be posting on these forum's a lot since im a crazed Fallout fan so why not . . . Im 22 or 23 in this pic im 25 now but I don't have any pic's on this comp. Me on my old bike I no longer have
  4. MKSaibot

    Game Informer Fallout: New Vegas preview scans

    Star Wars games can pull off long timeline's pretty well like KOTOR and the Old Republic MMO, but that's Star Wars lol. 39 years after Fallout 2 though isn't that bad, but it makes Fallout 1 look ancient.
  5. MKSaibot

    Game Informer Fallout: New Vegas preview scans

    All I know is I will not be wearing any Caeser's Legion gear . . . Ever . . .
  6. MKSaibot

    Fallout: New Vegas Collector's Edition announced

    This will be the first collectors edition ive bought for a game in so many years! The deck of cards thats so damn cool . . . The whole thing is f*ckin sweet. PC Collectors is $70 that is not bad considering your paying $50 for the game, then $20 for all that cool stuff. Damn im stoked!
  7. MKSaibot

    Game Informer Fallout: New Vegas preview scans

    Im waiting to hear about which faction in Vegas own's Tommy Gun's :D, id bet someone in The Top's own's one. Id be happy if there was just one unique Tommy Gun in the game and im almost positive there will be one as there are multiple pictures of a vault boy holding one. Another thing we...
  8. MKSaibot

    A major worry that I have about New Vegas

    Fallout 3 was a medicore game yea defenitly but wasn't a bad game. Fallout 2 was and is the best single player RPG game ive ever played, I liked Fallout 1 a whole lot too but not as much as Fallout 2. Far as Fallout New Vegas goes I am in the same boat as most of you about it, but im %100...
  9. MKSaibot

    Game Informer goes to 11

    Hey this is lilspankdog on the Beth forums, I hate the name lilspankdog I made it 5 years ago as you can see as I registered on there 5 years ago along with MKSaibot under my signature. Ive been meaning to register again on here for awhile as this is the place to be for all things Fallout :D .