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  1. Uncle Phosgene

    CTB Vs Individual Vs Squad

    so...which is easiest to learn and most fun? I'm playing the series in order and this is next.
  2. Uncle Phosgene

    Mod Idea: Scrapheap Integration and Necropolis fix

    While Junktown is definitely pretty similar, It's not an exact match. Junktown exists in the world of the demo it's mentioned. I also didn't mention one of the guys(can't remember if it's the guards working for a gang or the peasents who want them both gone) offers to give you directions to...
  3. Uncle Phosgene

    How much Van Buren material is still missing?

    Do we have the equivalent of the December 2003 build and all the assets that existed at that point?
  4. Uncle Phosgene

    When do the Demo Missions take place(and are there mods that incorporate them?)

    What about the difficulty curve? I'm having a bit of trouble grokking the game at Brahmin wood even having beaten the Tutorials, I keep feeling like I'm making the wrong choice out of the 3 mode settings (Real Time, Turn Based, Squad Turn). I can't seem to click with it
  5. Uncle Phosgene

    What is statistically the best weapon for each companion?

    Like, just looking at Ian(who is seemingly the simplest) both what he can actually use and his skills, SMG with Burst seems like the obvious choice, but maybe it's actually the .223 pistol since you can take a couple shots in a turn and that adds up to more? Or maybe it's the Powerfist since his...
  6. Uncle Phosgene

    What is statistically the best weapon for each companion?

    I tried to do the math myself(both to get Burst and Not-Burst options depending on the circumstance), and I got decently close, but I gave up when I realized I didn't account for their special stats effecting accuracy and crit rate or the crit rate of weapons or the SKILL points for weapon types...
  7. Uncle Phosgene

    When do the Demo Missions take place(and are there mods that incorporate them?)

    Ah cool. When does the tutorial take place then, like December 2196?
  8. Uncle Phosgene

    Mod Idea: Scrapheap Integration and Necropolis fix

    Also just a headcanon, but going off what's mentioned in game with the bits of dialogue they didn't cut in Shady Sands and Junktown(describing them as East and North respectively) plus the explanation of the BOS wiping them out Obsidian came up with later and the general vibes, I assume the...
  9. Uncle Phosgene

    Mod Idea: Scrapheap Integration and Necropolis fix

    Yeah I figured as much. Necropolis would have to be yoinked and it's encounter tiles over yonder, probably swap the actual map images so Scrapheap doesn't look like it's the size of a big thing, and you'd need to remove Dogmeat from Junktown and patch up the dialogue to line up. Nothing absurdly...
  10. Uncle Phosgene

    Mod Idea: Scrapheap Integration and Necropolis fix

    That would also make the verbal directions all make sense, whenever people tell you about relative directions to and from it seems to always fit the Bakersfield spot. That and putting Scrapheap in plain view makes it hard to miss. Does Et Tu do all that other stuff? Add in the cut missions...
  11. Uncle Phosgene

    When do the Demo Missions take place(and are there mods that incorporate them?)

    The one other thread I found sort of half mentioned the idea, but it didn't link to anything so I'm not sure if they did it. The discussion seemed to indicate they'd go first, so...does that actually make sense? Does that work like canonically in the story if those two missions come before...
  12. Uncle Phosgene

    What is the deal with Shady Sands location?

    I haven't played 2 yet(have to learn and get into and click with Tactics first), but from what I've seen on Google Images in Fallout 2 it's located around...Oakhurst area? While in Fallout 1 it's like...Death Valley type region. The military base seems close enough(Stockton to San Jose), but the...
  13. Uncle Phosgene

    Cut Content sorted by how cut is is

    That was kind of what I'm asking. People put stuff like those sentient badgers or whatever that was cut well before implementation in the same list as something like the traitor in the FOTA or that mission in Junktown with the boxer and his girlfriend that just needs a scripting fix and a line...
  14. Uncle Phosgene

    Mod Idea: Scrapheap Integration and Necropolis fix

    That must be what I'm thinking of, but yeah. I've never played the game modded so I assume between that and Fix-It most of the stuff I suggested outside of the Scrapheap thing have already been done. I've only ever played stock on the disc(version where you can autolose if you take too long and...
  15. Uncle Phosgene

    CTB Vs Individual Vs Squad

    what is difference
  16. Uncle Phosgene

    Where are the other 4 Public demos?

    Some of them were just basically glorified videos running in engine, like programmed simulations, and one was internal, but there should be two or so that are public that were actually playable aside from the Scrapheap Demo. I'm especially curious since those should be pre-SPECIAL and still be...
  17. Uncle Phosgene

    Where are the other 4 Public demos?

    Timmy Cain mentions 6 demos, 5 of which were public, but I've only found one, the Scrapheap demo.