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  1. Mr Fish

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    I don't trust it... Something in my funny bone ain't being so funny when I look at that. It's TOO Fallout'y...
  2. Mr Fish

    Elder Scrolls VI

    The problem is that a lot of "RPG developers" or perhaps the overlords the dictate to them what goes in the game and what doesn't think that all parts of the game should be available to the player so that they cannot miss out on content. Why this is a thing, I do not know.
  3. Mr Fish

    Elder Scrolls VI

    A lot of people probably pays less attention to a random nothing NPC that doesn't fulfill a role. A monument, depending on how it is designed, will be a landmark to navigate the area.
  4. Mr Fish

    Elder Scrolls VI

    Is Skyrim grandma still alive?
  5. Mr Fish

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    I think he already stated that the tv show is fully canon.
  6. Mr Fish

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    You can create something that is meant to have X meaning and someone can take Y meaning out of it, Bethesda at the time understood it in their own way. I think F:BOS is an example of someone that did not understand the setting at all. Bethesda understood some of it, but the parts that they...
  7. Mr Fish

    Fallout renewed for another season

    Someone had a moment! ... .. . But wouldn't it be wonderful if it did?
  8. Mr Fish

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    When I was young I preferred to use the hood engine camera for GTA games. :)
  9. Mr Fish

    Fallout renewed for another season

    But wouldn't it be wonderful if it did?
  10. Mr Fish

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    They're staffed by ideologs.
  11. Mr Fish

    John Gonzalez Returns To Obsidian Entertainment.

    Considering what I've seen of Avowed I don't think it matters. The studio has rotted from within.
  12. Mr Fish

    Familiar Sound

  13. Mr Fish

    Oh wait, that's me!

    Oh wait, that's me!
  14. Mr Fish

    Something smells fishy...

    Something smells fishy...
  15. Mr Fish

    Thinking of Upgrading PC specs, which is better?

    Thanks, I got sick for a good long while and I haven't been arsed to think about any of this stuff in that meantime and it's since gone out of stock. This one's comparable though right?
  16. Mr Fish

    What’s your ideal post-New Vegas game?

    That's just a lose/lose situation for me. :help:
  17. Mr Fish

    What’s your ideal post-New Vegas game?

    1. I'm uncertain how I feel about the world moving forward. At some point the Fallout series (in an ideal timeline where Bethesda weren't a bunch of complacent hacks) the world has to, yknow, recover. It has to basically end. It has to be "saved" from the post-nuclear shit and go into a new...