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  1. Mr Fish

    PS5 Pro Prices

    Luckily I am ineligible. :)
  2. Mr Fish

    PS5 Pro Prices

    Wait, you actually updated to W11?
  3. Mr Fish

    Solaris, a book about an autistic ocean.

    Solaris, a book about an autistic ocean.
  4. Mr Fish

    PS5 Pro Prices

    Well, you get what you pay for.
  5. Mr Fish

    PS5 Pro Prices

    Overpriced garbage. Just get a decent PC.
  6. Mr Fish

    Passing of two giants

    Life is gay. May they forever RIP in piece in heaven.
  7. Mr Fish

    A Note On Ghouls - Feral v. Non-Feral (Long Read)

    There are perks that are 'kind of' ghoulification on a very tiny level. Like a micro mutation rather than a macro mutation.
  8. Mr Fish

    A Note On Ghouls - Feral v. Non-Feral (Long Read)

    Right on then. ;) Here's a potential little curveball then: Moira, instant ghoulification.
  9. Mr Fish


    'Member;_1996-late_2000s;_2013-2016) I member...
  10. Mr Fish

    A Note On Ghouls - Feral v. Non-Feral (Long Read)

    It's just easier to declassify all Bethesda trash as noncanon and I don't have to worry about the "feral" lore issue. Just gotta get a mod for FNV that makes its ferals slow moving and I can headcanon them away as Mindless Ones. But hey, have fun trying to untangle Bethesda lore!
  11. Mr Fish

    New Reno Sign (Fallout 2)

    Culture didn't just stop and stagnate at the 50's.
  12. Mr Fish

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    My new favorite Queen track! Uh-Hoooney! This one is bitching, that dude got a lot of good remixes.
  13. Mr Fish


    It's an act btw.
  14. Mr Fish

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    Two things can be bad. Neither should happen. Hack writers gonna hack write.
  15. Mr Fish

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    Everything in Fallout 2 contradicts Fallout 1?
  16. Mr Fish

    Get Fallout 1, 2 & Tactics for Free

    You're right, you should go play that Wukong game and get chinese spy ware through it instead! :D
  17. Mr Fish

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    It's, not. It never ever is. If you contradict the lore then you are a hack writer.
  18. Mr Fish

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    So, what was Avellone's thoughts on the tv show summarized?