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  1. ResetRPG

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    Am I stupid or was this post a mockery of the glorious Chunglord thread back in April?
  2. ResetRPG

    Project Van Buren

    Hope everything is still going well! Would love to give it a try at some point.
  3. ResetRPG

    The worst location in fallout 2?

    Ahh, my bad. I misread the thread. I'll delete my post then since it's off topic.
  4. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Well we're glad to have ya here. Welcome to our little corner of the internet. :hatersgonnahate:
  5. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Trolls join all the fucking time trying to rile up the NMA dudes by saying the OG Fallout games or New Vegas is bad in bad faith and then act accusatory when people respond. The recent account creation usually tips people off that it is usually a troll account. It's a joke either way so if...
  6. ResetRPG

    3 days out from moving back into College. I'm feeling uncertain :-(

    3 days out from moving back into College. I'm feeling uncertain :-(
  7. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Hot and Spicy! Would be a shame if I
  8. ResetRPG

    Does Fallout 3 discourage character builds?

    Doing lines of cocaine improves anything.
  9. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Thar's fair. It's probably best that way given you're not sure. Hope you're able to find a copy soon because it is a great game.
  10. ResetRPG

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I think you should buy it. It was my first Dragon's Quest and it's become one of my all time favorite JRPGs. It starts off so generic but that it merely a ploy to twist the entire shit up and create a really cool and compelling narrative. All the characters were super likable. I just loved...
  11. ResetRPG

    Dopa Needs to Answer His Phone or the NMA New Years Friendship Thread

    Bro, are we about to like, have a Mexican Standoff?? O.o:wiggle:
  12. ResetRPG

    Does Fallout 3 discourage character builds?

    Fallout 3 is piss easy. But over time I've found New Vegas to be easy as well. Probably just because I've played through it 40+ times with every faction and know all of the ins and outs of the game. Granted though, I have no real desire for difficulty. If a game is challenging to me, then...
  13. ResetRPG

    What is the best VG Forum and why is it NMA?

    I see maybe 3 big takedown posts out of the sea of epithets, and they are usually low effort because bad faith arguers get low efforts posts. The sea of epithets is the fun part though so it's not a criticism.