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  1. ResetRPG

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    Lowest common denominator quest design. Fallout New Vegas is a bit guilty with all the unnecessary quest markers, but the quest design is SO much better, which makes the quest markers a little less annoying. To be fair though, Fallout 3 and 4 are good "turn your brain off and kill shit"...
  2. ResetRPG

    Dragon Quest XI Definitive Edition S for the Nintendo Switch is a very good video game, in my...

    Dragon Quest XI Definitive Edition S for the Nintendo Switch is a very good video game, in my opinion.
  3. ResetRPG

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    When I play Tropico I always put on the infinite money and resource settings and I ALWAYS line up the houses in a very nice row. If they aren't perfectly in order than I get absolutely enraged and anxious and turn the game off or demolish every single thing on the Island and start over.
  4. ResetRPG

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    What can I say man, I love Minecraft :-). Plus the fact that I'm autistic predisposes me to hyper-focusing on dumb shit like that lmfao.
  5. ResetRPG

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    I will say that F4 had solid gunplay. Damn shame the rest of it was so underwhelming. Settlement building is fun though, if really out of place.
  6. ResetRPG

    Why do people think Fallout 3 was actually good?

    The use of Washington DC just feels like wasted potential. They could've done so much with the location, but instead they went "WAOW LOOK AT DA BOMBED CAPITAL BUILDING!! WAOW LOOK AT DA ROBOTS!! HUMAN BEINGS STILL LIVE IN SHIT HUTS 200 YEARS LATER WAOW!" Basically it just feels like they...
  7. ResetRPG

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    Sometimes they're fun to watch, but in a "low IQ turn your brain off" way. If that makes sense.
  8. ResetRPG

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Send me some Giant Spider Meat after you get done with your hunting session with the lads.
  9. ResetRPG

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    It's always your fault Arthur, but that's why I love you.
  10. ResetRPG

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

  11. ResetRPG

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    This thread is 266 pages long. No way it hasn't been derailed prior.
  12. ResetRPG

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    I'm a better consoomer than you
  13. ResetRPG

    Can you really call yourself a Fallout fan if you love Fallout 4, honestly?

    If you like Fallout then you're a Fallout fan. We can go more in depth and categorize based on whether you like the Interplay/Obsidian Fallouts or the Bethesda Fallouts more, but as long as you like Fallout, then you're a Fallout fan in my opinion.
  14. ResetRPG

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    I'm a busy man doing busy things in this busy world :hatersgonnahate:
  15. ResetRPG

    Favorite Fallout 4 Quests?

    Whatever mod I feel like loading up.
  16. ResetRPG

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    I'm the world's biggest Haw fan
  17. ResetRPG

    Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

    Agnus dei, qui tolis peccata mundi