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  1. ResetRPG

    What is the best VG Forum and why is it NMA?

    Ngl, threads like that end up being the Codex members calling them a 'retard' or 'troll' in different ways for 400 replies. Admittedly, it's fucking hilarious, but it's fairly vapid discussion. But bad faith arguments get vapid discussion, such is the nature of things.
  2. ResetRPG

    What is the best VG Forum and why is it NMA?

    Yay! I'll get to go ski! Thank you Comrade!
  3. ResetRPG

    What is the best VG Forum and why is it NMA?

    Site is still boring so I win. :zzz:
  4. ResetRPG

    What is the best VG Forum and why is it NMA?

    The intimacy is what I crave.
  5. ResetRPG

    MF DOOM (1971-2020)

    He's a rapper, and one that I love very much.
  6. ResetRPG

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    That fat fuck can barely go outside and touch the grass. Of course he is losing it.
  7. ResetRPG

    MF DOOM (1971-2020)

    Your Favorite Rapper's favorite rapper. Rest in Peace DOOM.
  8. ResetRPG

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    It's not like I noted that in my original post. Also when the entire world market is globalized, this isn't some kind of gotcha lol. If the world buys from you then the world becomes reliant on your goods.
  9. ResetRPG

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    China seems to be the only candidate with the economic might to fill said void. Could possibly change, but I don't see that changing in the next 10-20 years.
  10. ResetRPG

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    China doesn't win through military might, they win through economic imperialism and Debt-Trap Diplomacy. For example, TONS of African countries owe gigantic loans back to China, so those said countries become de facto satellite states for the new Economic Empire. The Belt and Road initiative...
  11. ResetRPG

    Do you think Obsidian considers Fallout 3 canon?

    I understand you completely man. For what it's worth, Inon Zur is a pretty great composer.
  12. ResetRPG

    Do you think Obsidian considers Fallout 3 canon?

    Surprising but not surprising at the same time.
  13. ResetRPG

    Do you think Obsidian considers Fallout 3 canon?

    If you can get it for free, or sub $10, maybe try it out for morbid curiosity. Otherwise it's a piece of shit game that should be left to die.
  14. ResetRPG

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    2020 certainly makes me wonder whether or not we are seeing the active downfall of the American empire, and the slow rise of the Chinese empire, or if it's just a uniquely bad year. The only thing that gives me pause is that China is still pretty reliant on western markets, so much so that the...
  15. ResetRPG

    Do you think Obsidian considers Fallout 3 canon?

    I'm always excited for anything Fallout, whether it's by Bethesda or Obsidian. Maybe it's stupid, but I can't help but love enjoying the worlds. That's one thing I can at least praise about 76, despite how terrible it is overall.
  16. ResetRPG

    Do you think Obsidian considers Fallout 3 canon?

    They probably share the same opinion as Bethesda on the topic of "Canon Fallout lore." Tim Cain himself has been pretty cool with the Bethesda Fallout's implementation of the lore so I doubt Obsidian feels much different. Tim Cain - Wikipedia
  17. ResetRPG

    What is the best VG Forum and why is it NMA?

    AKA: Hate boner posting for RPGCodex and r/Fallout. :hatersgonnahate:
  18. ResetRPG

    Why do people think New Vegas was actually good?

    Surprisingly, Gamebryo isn't the actual problem, it's Bethesda's own source code. Discussion from Developers on the quality of the Gamebryo engine shows that the engine is pretty flexible and used for a ton of good games that run fairly well. Lets set the record straight about the...