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  1. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    As far as I know, it cannot, because it uses sFall library.
  2. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    @MIB88 Some thoughts about learning opportunities in the game. :) We have books, that can teach us Small Guns, Science, Repair, First Aid and Outdoorsman skills. There's a magazine for Energy Weapons. There are some people who can teach Science, Doctor, Speech or Outdoorsman. We have some NPCs...
  3. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Steal check is a great idea! If you pass the check, you have looting interface, and if you don't then bartering. :) Also maybe good idea to randomize that threshold (Steal threshold for each container is once assigned [at the first visit to the map] as random within certain range) - so in the...
  4. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    @MIB88 Suggestion about expanding Private Property concept in the game. :) All indoor containers in all residential areas, including huts and tents on random encounter maps (except maybe Arroyo and Primitive Tribe) should be assigned to person(s) living there, and, when inspected by player...
  5. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    @MIB88 Very small suggestion: please make Klint to understand "Stay close to me" command. :) As it is now he always stays quite away from Chosen and there is almost no difference between all his distances. ) And another one: please consider adding Nirran's Party Member Perks to MM (or parts of...
  6. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Thanks! It worked! No more Errors at Primitive Tribe. )))
  7. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    @_Pyran_ Made some speedrun with ridiculous character (4th screenshot) just to test new repack and Primitive Tribe. Clean install over original F2, as before. Screenshots: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I see same problems as before - Errors, strange map borders as I enter the map, etc... @MIB88 Can you...
  8. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I made clean install over original english 1.02D - both times. I made some screenshots (2.47.1): 1 - immediately after entering the tribe map. You can see strange black border. 2 - the only person in tribe who can speak 3 - merchant and "stimpacks", the container is bugged and if you try to look...
  9. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    The problem is, files "PRO_ITEM.MSG" and "PRO_ITEM - for patch.MSG" are identical (I compared them binary). So, either PRO_ITEM.MSG is already patched in the release or "PRO_ITEM - for patch.MSG" is not the latest, corrected file. )
  10. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I tried 2.47 - and there was no way to get the starting "deliver knives and spears"quest, as the person spoke in Errors and unrelated nonsense. As some other tribals. I tried 2.47.1 (installed from latest Pyran's repack) - there's a different starting quest (with merchant and "stimpacks"), but...
  11. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod MIB88 Megamod version 2.46

    Actually, 2.46 is not that obsolete, because 2.47.x has some serious issues. For example, you cannot play through Primitive Tribe location in 2.47.x (under re-construction in currently available releases). You may consider 2.46 as the [currently] last relatively stable release of MM :) At least...
  12. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    A little bit weird suggestion. It would be funny to have some perk which is the opposite of "Gifted". Name it "Challenged" and place it instead of "Bloody mess", for example, (because that one actually doesn't do anything meaningful). The idea is to give the player 7 LESS Stat points from the...
  13. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I see a problem with NPC levelling up [MM 2.47.1, clean install over original eng. 1.02D]. In due time I see messages that NPCs gain some abilities, and I see actual changes in their Combat control menu. But after saving the game and restoring from that save all NPC's stats reset back to initial...
  14. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I just checked (2.47.1) - the body is there [first from the right] and Chosen can identify the tattoo. I talked to tribal first, agreed to "retrieve amulet", then clicked on bodies - and immediately saw the message.
  15. chieftain486

    How to set CORRECT widescreen resolution for Fallout 2

    My personal preference is to set both ddraw.ini and Hi-Res patch to 1280x720. It's exactly 16/9, it shows more space than original, and it looks good enough on 40" screen. :)
  16. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Another small suggestion: please make it so the Chosen can push Arroyo men from his/her path. It can be very annoying when you're in a hut, somebody blocks the entrance and you have to idly wait (quite a long time!) for them to move.
  17. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I'd like to offer a suggestion, but not sure if it should be addressed here or in sFall forum. When you choose "Gifted" perk, you cannot set S.P.E.C.I.A.L to "1": "2" is the minimum. It would be nice to have this limitation removed, as an option (in config file, probably) to use all available...
  18. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I think I understand why it's only 1%. Bozar is not a small gun, but a BIG gun, and unless you specifically developed your big gun skill you probably have about 20% there. Ergo - serious penalties. :)
  19. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Thank you for your work and for the latest MM there is! Your repacks are easy to install and easy to configure. :)
  20. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I doubt it have anything to do with the PE. After talking with the tribal in Ruined City and killing the deathclaw you just examine the bodies (binocular icon), and with one you'll have a message that you recognized certain tatoo.