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  1. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Strangely, I didn't have any such problems neither with 2.44 nor with 2.46. Myron always talked as usual, there was no glitches with Broken Hills in 2.44 (there was one in 2.46 when game tried to freeze when entering the poisoned cave, but I managed to play through it anyway, by leaving NPC...
  2. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    The link for 2.46 is in the same post, just click on 2.46 ( here or there :) )
  3. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Nope, the quest is the same. One pot is in the chest in the Elder's hut and the other you can buy from Slik. Also you have to ask Slik about the flint before talking to aunt Morlis.
  4. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    You may consider using Pyran repack for the comfortable and reliable automated installation of MM. Also, it would probably be better to use previous 2.46 version, because currently released 2.47 may have problems with some locations. PS: If you install MM over clean F2 (into the same folder)...
  5. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    We already have charismatic sunglasses (charisma +1), so why would you think that some great-looking armor cannot give +2 ? ;-)
  6. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Suggestion: Would you like to re-integrate Armor Charisma back into F2 ? It would be really interesting to get some charismatic armor in the game. ) OR, even better! Have some person who can make the armor you own "charismatic". )
  7. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I don't see him personally manufacturing armor either, but he can be an interesting TEACHER. Thanks for thinking also in that direction. And thanks for your great work on MM. ))
  8. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    I can think of only person who can teach one to make Combat Armor - Algernon [it can be made VERY funny]. :) The armor should be made ~ from metal armor, couple pieces of junk (lint), ten fire-gecko skins and a rubber boots. ))) And you have to have T51 manual in your inventory, of cause. As a...
  9. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Well, NPC do what they can, what their stats allow them :) . Sulik is OK with 14mm pistol and even better with .223. Cassidy is very good with rifles. You shouldn't expect much from folks such as Miria - they have no combat training (no ST, no PE, no AG, no serious levelling up). ))
  10. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    More good news for you :) In sfall (which used in megamod) you can set the mode when YOU control actions of all your NPC partners. ) It's in the file ddraw.ini , if you set ControlCombat=2, you would directly control all party members in the combat! )
  11. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Good news for you: Myron CAN teach you to make stimpacks and superstims. )) You have to have 80+% Doctor to learn from Myron and have doctor's bag or paramedic's bag in your inventory to make stuff through your Mr.Fixit menu.
  12. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    In previous versions of Megamod there was a bug with the car, that allowed for serious ammo farming. I mean, if you store unloaded weapons in the trunk of the car and arrive to a new location, all weapons instantly get full load (even if you have no ammo in your posession). Unload, repeat. )...
  13. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    Probably, it's the leftover effect from original F2, where Bozar was the heavy machine gun with .223 ammo and burst mode only (and not a sniper weapon with 14mm ammo as in Megamod). Also it may be the ST penalty, as the minimal strength for using Bozar is ST6.
  14. chieftain486

    Fallout 2 mod Megamod version 2.47 Bug Reports and Suggestions

    After killing Metzger his slaves told me the location of the Slavers Camp, I killed all slavers there (and their dog), and even opened the fence with keys (that was some STAMPEDE!). Still I cannot open the door to the pen with other group of slaves and Sulik's sister. The message I get is...