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  1. Ziggy Stardust

    Favorite member of TMBG

    I dunno... hyah
  2. Ziggy Stardust

    Y u lookin at my status from a month ago

    Y u lookin at my status from a month ago
  3. Ziggy Stardust

    Favorite member of TMBG

  4. Ziggy Stardust

    Is Mike Pence gay

    Fair point.
  5. Ziggy Stardust

    Is Mike Pence gay

    Thats some small town gay if I’ve ever seen it. Look at that smile.
  6. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England

    This dude’s gotta read animal farm. Thank you for the correct spelling of TSAR. As for the transition from monarchy to republic, it went rather well in FRANCE IRELAND SPAIN PORTUGAL ITALY Also, thanks again to Crni, who made another excellent contribution to a random forum.
  7. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England

    Her reading of it is an indication of her agreement to what is being said, whoever wrote it. She could just refuse to read it. Anyway, I know UK timezones, and ud best be asleep by now, luv.
  8. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England

    The Killing blow isn’t based in facts. It’s based in philosophy. It’s not “oh she’s taking too much money” or “oh she’s destroying democracy” that annoys me. It’s hereditary power. It’s my opinion, one which has come from many years of pondering, that hereditary power is not just, and the...
  9. Ziggy Stardust

    TheOtherManInTheRoom fame gained Ziggy Stardust infamy gained

    TheOtherManInTheRoom fame gained Ziggy Stardust infamy gained
  10. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England

    When I say friend, I mean in the context of this discussion and who sides with whom. Plus, I’m very concerned with this issue as an Irish-raised person, who has always held a strong anti-imperialist mentality.
  11. Ziggy Stardust

    Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

    Communism doesn’t work for the same reason capitalism doesn’t work. Capitalism is absolute incentive, and no equity. This allows monopolies to exist. Communism leads to a people that is fully equal, but has less incentive, as they are not working for their own well being, but a slighter...
  12. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England

    Thank you... I needed a friend.
  13. Ziggy Stardust Please someone back me up. I... Please someone back me up. I need a friend.
  14. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England

    My argument does exist. It is on moral grounds, which you have clearly stated is not an area you find important to an economic system.
  15. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England

    The assertion that the monarchy makes more money for the country than she consumes is purely fictional, as this video so eloquently explains. Also, those other two countries share the same queen, so that doesn’t count. Also also, I don’t care about Diana anymore. Its been a few years past...
  16. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England

    I’m not saying I like pre-revolution France, Napoleon’s France, or the Spanish Empire, as I am firmly against imperialism, but the problem is that the remnants of imperialism still exist. India was under British rule until Ghandi and Indian Independence, which deprived Indians of the right to...
  17. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England

    Back when England had a ruling monarch, the Irish had their homelands ripped from them and became slaves to the British, who starved and abused them. It was when someone held the throne when the British colonized Africa and India, which many historians speculate is the reason for Africa’s...
  18. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England

    Well, if the UK existed on ideals, Africa, India, and Ireland would all be way happier.
  19. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England

    The power to Veto and speak before Parliament Also, to the point that the Queen is a guaranteer of democracy is ridiculous. Politicians also don’t have absolute power in most other western countries, despite the absence of a Queen. And then there’s the issue of her getting her shit tax...
  20. Ziggy Stardust

    The Queen of England This recent poll shows that a majority of UK residents believe the monarchy should not be abolished. Only 15% believe it should. These numbers are fucking insane. In 2018, a...