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  1. Jabberwok

    Wasteland 3 - The return of beloved Scotchmo and release 2020

    Pretty much all of this. Also, good voice acting is not easy to come by. Even slightly less than excellent voice acting can ruin good writing for me. Obsidian and InXile have both had that problem, imo. I've enjoyed the Bard's Tale 4 VA, but that's a much smaller script. The voice gets in the...
  2. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Same. I bought it at launch and found it pretty boring. Haven't bothered trying to keep up with the DLCs that might actually make it worthwhile.
  3. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    That's totally plausible.
  4. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    I'm guessing whatever data they are mining (your Steam library, from what I've heard) is a pittance compared to the vast troves bought, sold, or hoarded by other Internet giants on a daily basis...
  5. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Could be trying to show off that all NPCs are killable, or something else related to reactivity...
  6. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Wow, Jackass of all things? I wonder what the context was. I resent either Fallout or Itchy and Scratchy being lumped together with Jackass.
  7. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    I don't hate it, but there's something a bit bland about it. Then again, most of Obsidian's games look kind of bland to me...
  8. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    I never made it all the way through Pillars, but I thought they did a good job with that. Companions would often interject or start a conversation based on what was happening. No idea how comparable the amount of dialogue in Outer Worlds will be, though.
  9. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Most of this is nuts and bolts stuff, and barely worth arguing about any more. To the first two quotes by me, I think you must have misinterpreted one of those, because I don't see any contradiction between them. Steam is filling a niche in a market. If Steam didn't exist, there would have...
  10. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Hmm, it's difficult to make myself clear, I think. I'm not trying to imply that Valve is out to get me out of spite or something, or wants to hurt certain customers for its own sake. I'm saying they are prioritizing what every large business prioritizes, and that means caring about the part of...
  11. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    I don't really have time to read all of this right now, and my interest in some sort of ideological clash is waning quickly, but just to address the last bit: Whether I wish to blame Valve is entirely irrelevant. This is only about what is easier or more convenient for me. If I use Steam (which...
  12. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Yeah, I mean, I agree that the DRM is not the sole source of 'exclusivity'. But it is really the only thing that makes these clients comparable to a console war. Otherwise, we're just talking about different storefronts, not platforms. Although it's still not THAT comparable, because most of the...
  13. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    If you buy games on Steam, you are already condoning exclusivity because of the DRM. I don't see how that's different from Epic. Even if Epic said, "Yes, we'll have DRM, but every title we release will be available on Steam as well," it doesn't matter. It's still the same issue. Anyone who...
  14. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Local coffee shops do not exist where I live. The closest one is an hour taxi ride away, and has worse connection speeds than my apartment. I have no particular interest in Epic, but it seems to me that exclusives are already a fairly common occurrence across the board. I don't really know why...
  15. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    As I mentioned earlier on in the thread, most of the features that make Steam superior in your eyes are things that I don't actually want. I already waste far too much time in Steam's information loop, when I should just be playing games or doing something more productive. I read reviews and use...
  16. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    In my experience, all that setting does is not queue the updates for download, but the games will still be flagged for update, which will still make them unplayable until the update is completed. Except now the update won't complete until I've actually noticed that it needs to be downloaded...
  17. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Verification itself is usually not a big deal, it's the actual updates that ruin things more often. However, even verification can become an issue if the Internet cuts out at the wrong time. Steam can decide it needs to do something, then when it can't do it, I have to wait until the next time...
  18. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Nah, I don't have that much control over how I get access here. I'm stuck using the wifi. I could try messing with the bandwidth limit, that might help. Though the biggest problem here has always been how unstable the connection is.