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  1. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    Yeah, charisma's not useless, unless all you care about is your own character's combat stats. There are dialogue checks that require a certain charisma score, and even more that use speech, which is obviously based on charisma. Obviously, you don't HAVE to have high charisma to have high speech...
  2. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    Exactly. Using a world map would stretch the same amount of content much further. And they could use a mix of random and authored areas for encounters, that would make the world feel huge. Though AAA seems to be allergic to procgen... Probably too difficult to control, or doesn't suit the...
  3. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    I forgot Talon Company existed. I did not manage to retain much of that game. I know I was following Liam Neeson, and there were some annoying Brotherhood types, and some super mutants who yelled a lot. That's about it. Oh, there was a DLC about hicks, and another one about aliens. I stopped...
  4. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    Maybe? No promises there. Come to think of it, I like the Legion assassins, too. They make the war feel personal. If your specific complaint about them is the teleporting, that is understandable, but then you need to be looking far beyond New Vegas. That's a general issue with / feature of all...
  5. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    This should not surprise you, but I like original Fallout's encounters. But I suppose you are allowed to have a different opinion. :D Though I cannot promise not to mock you for it, when next we meet.
  6. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    Hmm, maybe it is because there are fewer dungeons. There are already tons of enemy encounters, so I don't really get that complaint either. Not to mention, more of them are from actual factions, rather than just generic raiders. Plus cazadores. Plenty of difficult enemies to fight. TBH, I...
  7. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    I don't understand why people keep blaming Obsidian for the walking. Have they ever played an Elder Scrolls game? NV is one of the lesser offenders when it comes to boring walking. Most of the time you can literally see your next destination from your current one. Even the walk from Novac to...
  8. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    Ugh, please no. I would rather not have the entire RPG industry owned by a single publisher. In fact, I would prefer for Larian to work on their own IP, not be yet another factory for someone else's. Besides, Larian at its best is zany, and Fallout at its best is low on the zane scale.
  9. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    Agree. Oblivion had the advantage of some decent-sized cities with different architectural styles. And different climates across the map. Outside of that, still a bunch of random junk, and recycled dungeon assets. Seems like Skyrim scaled back on the cities in favor of even more random dungeons...
  10. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    I thought the NV map was waayy better. It actually had a coherent critical path, and meaningful locations, more recognizable landmarks, and less random junk. I guess it was slightly smaller, iirc, which probably upset some people. And people complained about it being too flat, but I mean...
  11. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    Saying he had 'no hand' is an exaggeration, but the studio design director is advisory, like he says. He plays milestone builds and offers feedback, but he doesn't work directly on the project. Same goes for the new Pillars game, and probably anything else Obsidian does, unless they decide to...
  12. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    I forget his exact job title now, but he's a design director for the studio as a whole, providing high level feedback for project directors. Even if they made another Fallout, would he even be directing it? Also, I have a lot of respect for Sawyer's contributions to NV, but there were numerous...
  13. Jabberwok

    Microsoft has bought Zenimax/Bethesda

    Hold on a sec, looking at that list makes me think of a more important question. If MS owns Zenimax, does that means they also acquired Arkane? What about Id?
  14. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone redeemed

    'Glittering gems' because the hatred here is focused like a diamond laser, on one specific target. :D
  15. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone redeemed

  16. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone redeemed

    Yes? Also, not worried about the politics and tracing thing. I will talk about politics on Facebook, or standing in the Pentagon lobby. Maybe especially there. In fact, pretty much everyone I know will talk politics on social media using their real names (even in a country where people have...
  17. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone redeemed

    Any and everyone can just vomit their thoughts into the datasphere, and people have horribly stupid thoughts. On the plus side, it makes powerful, famous people look like morons. On the minus side, I don't want to know what sort of idiocy my extended family engages in. I really think the...
  18. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone redeemed

    I assume it is common knowledge, which is probably why adults in most industries don't do a lot of heavy drinking, especially with coworkers. I wouldn't be surprised if the games industry is immune to some typically adult behavior, though. But that's just a guess. The entertainment industry in...
  19. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone redeemed

    I'm not sure this justifies excluding all women from an entire industry. Even if it did, I don't know how one would expect that to happen, unless you also want to throw out anti-discrimination laws related to employment. Which would be like nuking a city to punish a jaywalker. Honestly, it...
  20. Jabberwok

    Chris Avellone redeemed

    I want to take this as good news, but it's hard to feel positive about any of this crap, no matter who the victim ends up being. I can't really make character judgements on someone I don't know. Though if it means a talented writer stays in the industry, I guess that is a net positive. There are...