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  1. Jabberwok

    Fallout is now a fighting game!

    This looks very stupid. And it actually does still irritate me. Not nearly as much as something like Fallout Shelter did at the time, though. If I actually wanted a Fallout character in a fighting game, almost any other choice would've been more interesting. This is about as cool as just...
  2. Jabberwok

    Dev diary 3: Wasteland 3 - Choice and consequence (Behind the Scenes)

    Every time I see that phrase nowadays, I think of this video:
  3. Jabberwok

    Fallout 76: Wastelanders releasing soon

    Yeah, spell crafting was crazy and weird. One of many things that I was annoyed that they removed from the series. Enchanting was similarly bonkers in Oblivion, being able to craft an armor set that gave you 100% chameleon, making you invisible all the time. I liked the early game's total lack...
  4. Jabberwok

    Fallout 76: Wastelanders releasing soon

    They've really gone out of their way to make magic boring, though Oblivion did at least have a few spells and effects that were fun to play around with.
  5. Jabberwok

    Fallout 76: Wastelanders releasing soon

    I enjoyed the first half of the Mages Guild quests. Those were pretty low key, as well. I don't know that anything in Oblivion was especially well written, but it had a goofiness to it that made it enjoyable. The guild quests were certainly better than Skyrim's guild quests. Maybe the worst...
  6. Jabberwok

    Fallout 76: Wastelanders releasing soon

    I'd imagine the culture at Bethesda has staffed the entire company with designers and writers who think the same way. Translation of Pete Hines's quote: "We had no vision for this product. We only wanted something that would sell. We made a piece of shit because we were trying to jump on a...
  7. Jabberwok

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    It just sounds to me like any value in F76 is something one could get from the myriad other (probably better executed) sandbox royale games out there. Rust, Ark, etc. Or even an MMO with an actual story. Though none of them are my cup of tea, personally.
  8. Jabberwok

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    I really liked it, and I think I did play it on console. But the whole final section of the game always struck me as rushed and empty compared to the rest. It felt like an epilogue that had nothing to say, preceded by a whole level of generic rooms of enemies, and no companions to talk to. I...
  9. Jabberwok

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    "it builds up your imagination and then fails to deliver on a cool premise." KotOR 2 flashbacks....
  10. Jabberwok

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    The gap between Fallout 3 and New Vegas is because those games are made by different people at a different company. I wouldn't expect a second Outer Worlds, made by the same people at the same company, to be comparable.
  11. Jabberwok

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    Thanks. I mean, it seems like both Mass Effect AND Outer Worlds just used the formula established by KoTOR. A franchise that both Bioware and Obsidian worked on. Though Bioware established it with the first game, obviously.
  12. Jabberwok

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    Could you elaborate on the Mass Effect comparison? I haven't played it.
  13. Jabberwok

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    I did not enjoy the dialogue I've seen in the Cyberpunk trailers. On the other hand, it's not easy to find comparable games, let alone ones that are better written. Technical scope really limits the amount of potential competition.
  14. Jabberwok

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    I am guessing that the comparison is mostly floating around for two reasons: 1. A lot of players are only familiar with Obsidian because of New Vegas, so Obsidian game = Fallout. 2. A lot of players have never played an RPG that wasn't from Bethesda, so any 1st person RPG looks like a clone of...
  15. Jabberwok

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    We aren't going to get any AAA isometric games. Don't worry about it. Just go play Disco Elysium. :D
  16. Jabberwok

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    I think it's more that even a half-decent RPG is very difficult to come by in the AAA space nowadays. That makes Outer Worlds look better by comparison.
  17. Jabberwok

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    Can you be more specific about this?
  18. Jabberwok

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    More or less this. They haven't accidentally been making shite for years. They've been making what they set out to make, and it's something I don't want to play. Doesn't matter how much time they put into it.....
  19. Jabberwok

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    This is out of character for you. Do you have a "Not Angry" alter ego?
  20. Jabberwok

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    I have no problem with a company changing feature sets IF they are doing it to make the game better. That sounds like the case with an NPC expansion (unless they are charging money for it, which would be crappy because it seems like something that should've been in the game to begin with). The...