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  1. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    I started downloading a 12 gigabyte game early this afternoon. It's now almost 8 pm and it's 90% finished. My average speed while the wifi has been working today has been around 500 KB/s. Peak has hit over 2 megs, which is around what I would have expected as an average back in the US. But these...
  2. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Only if I never go online. If Steam has already discovered an update, I can switch to offline mode and still not be able to launch the game.
  3. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    A lot of Steam's service is actually massively inconvenient for me, because I live in a place with shoddy Internet access. Among many other issues, forcing updates on me without warning sometimes means that I just can't play the game I wanted to play for days at a time, even though it's already...
  4. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Depends what you're looking for. I don't actually want almost all of the things on that list.
  5. Jabberwok

    Post Apocalyptic Grab Bag for Smarch 2019

    These days, I read all of your Fallout news in a very sarcastic voice.
  6. Jabberwok

    Post Apocalyptic Grab Bag for Smarch 2019

    I used to love Borderlands, but it is more or less dead to me now. I wish they had gone in a very different direction after the first game. Atomicrops looks like someone set out to combine Nuclear Throne and Stardew Valley. Looks cool.
  7. Jabberwok

    Escapist Magazine calls Bethesda killers of Fallout

    Where in the series is this information from? Just curious. Also, this seems to be suggesting that the United States bears no blame for the apocalypse, despite the entire first game being laced with all of the evils they committed in the name of expansion... Read Erich Fromm's Escape From...
  8. Jabberwok

    Escapist Magazine calls Bethesda killers of Fallout

    Huh, I don't remember ever having a problem with inventory juggling in F1. No more than any other RPG, significantly less than some. Not sure if there's something specific you're referring to... Emotional attachment is certainly a thing, but it's definitely not the only factor. After all, I was...
  9. Jabberwok

    Escapist Magazine calls Bethesda killers of Fallout

    I think it just sucks when you have an emotional attachment to an IP to see that IP used to sell products that have nothing to do with it. Knowing that the thing you like will now be associated with something else entirely, especially for people who weren't aware of it before that. It's like...
  10. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    There are also a couple of open world westerns that recently started early access. One multiplayer, one single player. Though it looks like Heat's setting is all of frontier...
  11. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    There's also Westerado: Double Barreled. Not exactly an RPG, but actually has more "choice and consequence" than most of them.
  12. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    First wild west RPG that came to mind is Hard West. Haven't gotten around to playing it, though. More of a tactics game, I think.
  13. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Leonard Boyarsky reminds me of Ken Levine in the same way that Ken Levine reminds me of Steve Carell. Like a witch put a curse on Steve, and he gradually turned into Ken, then into Leonard. Actually, now that I look at a picture of Leonard again, he looks like Ken combined with Alan Tudyk, who...
  14. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    RDR is good for Wild West feels, but I hate the writing. Less grade school jokes than GTA, but just as many worn out cliches. And for a Western, it manages to be surprisingly preachy about politics, as modern Rockstar always is.
  15. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    The first two Max Payne games are great, especially if you like cheesy noir, detective stories, or old John Woo action movies.
  16. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Heck, even Mass Effect 2 and 3 had it, if you played as the soldier. That should still be new enough for a games journalist to remember. Bullet time is what it was actually called in Max Payne.
  17. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    From what I saw in the demo, I thought it was a little unfair for the press to write the combat off as a VATS clone. Everything I've seen is just slow motion. New Fallout is hardly the only shooter to include a slow mo mechanic and VATS was complete auto-targeting, not just time dilation. I have...
  18. Jabberwok

    The Outer Worlds information overload

    Jesus, I don't think I could play the same game that many times. I did one full run of New Vegas at around 250 hours, and that was all I could manage. But yeah, 30-40 hours is plenty for me. I can't afford to piss away that much time anymore. At this point, I probably have a backlog of like 20...
  19. Jabberwok

    Escapist Magazine calls Bethesda killers of Fallout

    I forgot about that. Come to think of it, I don't remember anything about Point Lookout except that there were some hicks in a swamp. I'm sure I finished it...