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  1. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Ideas for a new type of mutant?

    So much effort and inhumane practices for just a propaganda campaign. Perfectly describes the Old World.
  2. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Ideas for a new type of mutant?

    Wendigos - Tall, skeletal, mutant deer-people - "Inspirations": at 13:58 -20:40 - They still have their human intellect and remember their past lives. They can use guns, wear armor and clothes and can strategize ... but can't talk. They communicate with sign language, but mostly basic hand...
  3. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    It's dead people screaming!

    It's dead people screaming!
  4. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Ideas for new Fallout threats

    That would be pretty funny as an entire sub-plot with the Wild Wasteland Trait.
  5. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Just played it for a few minutes. I am flabbergasted. I should be skeptical, but my heart's...

    Just played it for a few minutes. I am flabbergasted. I should be skeptical, but my heart's still racing. *Hopefully* this means Todd has changed his mind and Bethesda will remaster more of their library. Specifically, ... the obvious.
  6. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Today I saw my first 2 Decepticons while at work today. All the other Cyber Tronians so far...

    Today I saw my first 2 Decepticons while at work today. All the other Cyber Tronians so far were Autobots.
  7. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Ideas for new Fallout threats

    Back in April while at work, I pieced together a villain by ripping off others' ideas; including some from this thread and from Wasteland 3's cutting room floor. I discovered that No Mutants Allowed didn't save progress on my post so that put me off from finishing it. I won't even bother trying...
  8. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    To spy on you, silly. Besides, don't you scream into your controller, too?

    To spy on you, silly. Besides, don't you scream into your controller, too?
  9. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    It takes a lot to make a stew. I couldn't face these streets without you.

    It takes a lot to make a stew. I couldn't face these streets without you.
  10. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    I wish steam would track achievement progress offline.

    I wish steam would track achievement progress offline.
  11. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Daddy, daddy, I want THAT one.

    1. , but more traditional looking with stripes on the elastic bands and lower pockets, and yellow instead of tan as the second color. 2. The entire MST3k dvd collection 3. 4. 5. The Goon Library collection
  12. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Happy 4th 2021, guys:

    Happy 4th 2021, guys:
  13. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    there was cringy edits, anime hair mods, and the cherry on top was that the song's tone was...

    there was cringy edits, anime hair mods, and the cherry on top was that the song's tone was lowered to (probably) avoid a copy right claim. It really is a product of the early 2010s', but I'm sure if I had discovered Fallout back then, 12 year old me would've lost his shit.
  14. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Last night I discovered a machinima music video of Disturbed - Land of Confusion set to Fallout...

    Last night I discovered a machinima music video of Disturbed - Land of Confusion set to Fallout 3 from 11 years ago.