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  1. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Ignoring the current state of the series and talking about "what could've been", if Obsidian...

    Ignoring the current state of the series and talking about "what could've been", if Obsidian *really did* make New Vegas to tell us to let go of a videogame series that we all hold dear in our lives and that they themselves no longer feel the same way for their own creation ... is very...
  2. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    I called this fanfic Fallout: Funeral because of Julius Caesar's funeral and to treat the Van...

    I called this fanfic Fallout: Funeral because of Julius Caesar's funeral and to treat the Van Buren legend as a funeral to Fallout itself. I got the second reason from this very site:
  3. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Still haven't decided what the new Player moniker would be. RPG monikers should be what most...

    Still haven't decided what the new Player moniker would be. RPG monikers should be what most characters would call the player unless the writers go out of their way to make everyone call the player something specific. There's the player's cover as The Slaver, and then there's the reputation...
  4. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    The player would enter the mod through Hoover Dam and most likely be forced to ... at least...

    The player would enter the mod through Hoover Dam and most likely be forced to ... at least accept ... to do the NCR Questline. For any other Questline besides the Legion one, they'll need the Mark of Caesar to use as a passport to enter the post nuclear Southwest. If you don't have it already...
  5. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Legion Questline: You just get a letter inviting you to take a vacation in Caesar's Land. Mr...

    Legion Questline: You just get a letter inviting you to take a vacation in Caesar's Land. Mr. House & Yes Man Questline: You are tasked with finding Boulder Dome and retrieving blueprints for a better model of Securi-Tron for mass production. NCR Questline: Original *Find the Escaped...
  6. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    I thought this change would make a better moral dilemma because it displays humanity going full...

    I thought this change would make a better moral dilemma because it displays humanity going full circle by Royce using The New Plague for what it was originally intended for: to win a war. Regardless of the global destruction it will cause, she especially sees the inhabitants of Caesar's Land as...
  7. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    They bring a few scientists (including Presper) into the mainland. The escaped prisoners are now...

    They bring a few scientists (including Presper) into the mainland. The escaped prisoners are now NCR felons brought in from New California to be test subjects in the Tibbets Prison Facility. The presence of The New Plague activates ODESA (Odysseus rename) and kicks off the plot described in the...
  8. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    To avoid spreading the Plague, the Dwellers never ventured farther than Dog City Denver. So when...

    To avoid spreading the Plague, the Dwellers never ventured farther than Dog City Denver. So when the Republic squad arrived, the Dome Dwellers tried to keep them from leaving. The squad was ready to slaughter the them but instead bargained for *both parties* freedoms by offering to fund research...
  9. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    A scouting team (made of who would've been Presper's henchmen but lead by Corporal Royce)...

    A scouting team (made of who would've been Presper's henchmen but lead by Corporal Royce) infiltrated Caesar's Land as far as Colorado and discovered the Boulder Dome. The "Dome Dwellers" as I call them, would all be asymptomatic carriers of The New Plague just like the Left 4 Dead survivors...
  10. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    I rewrote the legend as a giant DLC-like mod for New Vegas (I know how it sounds). Basically...

    I rewrote the legend as a giant DLC-like mod for New Vegas (I know how it sounds). Basically, dumped nearly everything into Arizona and made the "mod" Caesar's Legion focused. I reduced Victor Presper's role because I thought his arc was too cliché, and made the NCR, specifically the Companion...
  11. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Since I'll probably never finish and post my Van Buren fanfic, I'll just summarize it here:

    Since I'll probably never finish and post my Van Buren fanfic, I'll just summarize it here:
  12. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    It makes me theorize that the west coast of the US is more hospitable than the east post war.

    It makes me theorize that the west coast of the US is more hospitable than the east post war.
  13. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout Theme Songs

    I was thinking of something forest or tribal themed for the setting, with rainfall, chimes, wind, and sticks rustling, etc., with not too many mechanical or electronic sound effects. Albuquerque from the 1.5 Resurrection soundtrack and Jackals from Sonora didn't cut it, and Dream Town and New...
  14. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout Theme Songs

    theme#5: My idea of a mod set in Washington state starring The Raider. Not sure what to pair this song to. Any suggestions?: ---or--- ---or--- ---or---
  15. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout Theme Songs

    theme#3: My take on the Van Buren theme. At first, the song was random but now I shoe-horned an explanation that it's about all our shared anguish at the current state of Fallout and missing the RPG elements and good stories. "Since I don't have you": theme#4: Based on The Dutch Ghost (can't...
  16. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Project Van Buren

    Yeah, I forgot, Vault 29 is in a cave.
  17. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Project Van Buren

    Let me guess, the first image is Vault 29 in Twin Mothers?
  18. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout Theme Songs

    Post themes you'd like to hear in a future game or mod. First, post a lore-friendly song and then an ambient/ instrumental track that would play after it. I'll start: theme #1: My idea of a mod beginning on a ranch, with the player being known as The Farmhand: theme#2: My idea of a Fallout 4...
  19. StopSigntheVendingMachine


    Amazing sprite work! It's so cool to see the NCR Ranger and punk girl remade.:clap: