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  1. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    NV is still respected enough by fans to be accepted as canon.

    NV is still respected enough by fans to be accepted as canon.
  2. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    guess they have become a joke, especially with New Vegas' mod scene being oversaturated with...

    guess they have become a joke, especially with New Vegas' mod scene being oversaturated with Companion mods. I'm just bored and wanted to see what version of a character from my Van Buren fanfic they'd prefer, though, on NMA, I can probably guess.
  3. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Who would you rather have as a Companion? An Enclave deserter or a *ghoul* mechanic?

    Who would you rather have as a Companion? An Enclave deserter or a *ghoul* mechanic?
  4. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Is that supposed to be the Cyber Demon on the left?
  5. StopSigntheVendingMachine


  6. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    Reading through this thread makes me suspect that the dev team aspired to Naughty Dog. That the majority of team members that made New California so well received quit mid-production or beforehand, leaving only scum to make this.
  7. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    This post is provided by the Guild of Millers. Using only the finest wheat, to make true Roman...

    This post is provided by the Guild of Millers. Using only the finest wheat, to make true Roman bread for true Romans.
  8. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout: The Frontier - Released!

    So the general consensus is that The Frontier is bad? Goddammit :(
  9. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    "Some stuff happened", huh?

    "Some stuff happened", huh?
  10. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Ass-Blasters Troop, the Silly Billies. or the Guild of Millers.

    Ass-Blasters Troop, the Silly Billies. or the Guild of Millers.
  11. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    that's how you know he's a real gamer

    that's how you know he's a real gamer
  12. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Justin Bieber - Monster (ft. Shawn Mendez) behind the scenes recordings...

    Justin Bieber - Monster (ft. Shawn Mendez) behind the scenes recordings:
  13. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Graphic Novels Thread - (What have you read, what do you want to read?)

    Image has some gooood fuckin' in 'em:smug: Favorite comic book series and standalones: 1. Blackest Night: I only picked this up because of the Green Lantern movie, but upon reading it (the first book), made me hate the film. Still, this series was my introduction to Green Lantern and DC lore and...
  14. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Hot takes

    1. People who preach tolerance the loudest are the most cruel. 2. The longer the Icon of Sin on Earth, the stronger he will become.
  15. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    I'm sorry kid ... Joe wasn't part of our deal

    I'm sorry kid ... Joe wasn't part of our deal
  16. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    Need Help. I've noticed both the YouTube video and the download link on for the full soundtrack for this mod have been taken down! Is there some legal trouble with the artist? A grudge between team members? Were the uploads themselves unapproved by the mod's creators? Is there nowhere...
  17. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    Retcons you’d like (excluding Bethesda’s lore)

    1. Most of the Wasteland's creatures are no longer man made, biological weapons. They're the result of decades of evolution sped up by radiation and the scarcity of resources. Death claws are the "mash-up of DNA" of nearly every reptile on Earth. Spore Plants, Cazadors, Night Stalkers and such...
  18. StopSigntheVendingMachine

    The Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities. Powers many would call "unnatural".

    The Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities. Powers many would call "unnatural".