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  1. Iprovidelittlepianos

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    That’s not exactly capitalism any more than tribes of hunter-gatherers were communists.
  2. Iprovidelittlepianos

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    New York’s ALRIGHT if you like ART and JAZZ! New York’s ALRIGHT if you’re a homo-seck-chuall!
  3. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    Yeah, tell me about it. People will say that that technology was introduced too late to save the world, but I feel like that’s a cop out. I like to think that the energy needs of the world just kept increasing exponentially so that even a highly efficient energy source like fusion power still...
  4. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fortnite Fallout teaser

    You mean Fallout: Tactics BOS power armor?
  5. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    What does that even have to do with being agender? Other than being mentally ill (for lack of a better term).
  6. Iprovidelittlepianos

    i'm trying to play fallout 4 and its miserable

    I think the bigger problem with Fallout 4 is how they gutted most of the RPG elements. With the modding tools Bethesda gives us, it’s not particularly difficult to add or rewrite quests, add or rewrite dialogue, fix lore-breaking elements and things like that, but even in F3/NV it’s more or less...
  7. Iprovidelittlepianos

    TV Series Retcon Thread

    The idea that Mr. House knew the world was going to end, like literally knew people that said “yeah we’re gonna nuke the world, you in?”, and then both agreed to this plan yet somehow forgot that it was happening on Saturday, not Sunday, just makes him look hilariously incompetent.
  8. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    Ok, fair enough. I guess what I meant was, if New Vegas 2 had the NCR at full force and Shady Sands was referenced as a thriving city, I don’t think Bethesda would really care. They’d hand wave it away as “oh, the NCR rebuilt themselves in the couple years after the events of the show.” They’d...
  9. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    Honestly, if Bethesda let Obsidian make a “New Vegas 2” I doubt they’d even care if it just completely ignored the events of the show.
  10. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    I agree that some people (particularly people who claim to be big fans of the originals but have mostly just played New Vegas) overrate the original games in terms of the quality of the writing. I still think they are miles ahead of what Bethesda has given us, but you’re right, they’re far from...
  11. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fortnite Fallout teaser

    That suggestion is denied, Risewild. Mr. Fish is an inspiration to us all. Now on to more important matters: my motion to add “fatty fatty boombalatty” to the list of unacceptable hate speech.
  12. Iprovidelittlepianos

    i'm trying to play fallout 4 and its miserable

    I think it’s because Fallout 4 at least has that “cool post-apocalyptic ruined city” environment which is a lot more interesting to explore and fight enemies in than a barren wasteland. As much as I disagree with the design of Boston (from the architectural designs to the fact that it’s mostly...
  13. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Has Anyone Ever Noticed This Before?

    Yeah, Super Mutants had the Hulk haircut in the original games. It’s kinda funny that Bethesda made every Super Mutant bald but let some ghouls keep their hair. Should be the other way around. Perhaps they wanted to make it easier to differentiate between male and female ghouls. There’s...
  14. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Help Me Justify the Enclave in Washington D.C.

    I didn’t know about this, but, and correct me if I’m wrong, every significant member of the American government (and possibly major corporations, though this isn’t explicitly stated) fled to the Oil Rig before the Great War. The Oil Rig is where they survived the war while the mainland got...
  15. Iprovidelittlepianos

    John Deiley interview at The Gamer

    Oh that’s right, I forgot about that. Could also be referring to the Think Tank scientists, or even cyberdogs like Rex. I don’t know why Point Lookout was my first thought, I probably haven’t played that in almost ten years.
  16. Iprovidelittlepianos

    John Deiley interview at The Gamer

    I don’t even have a huge problem with the talking deathclaws, but it’s funny how this article tries to portray Avellone as totally unreasonable. My takeaway is that Avellone was right about everything. Also, the author seems to forget that during the development of Fallout 2, there was only...
  17. Iprovidelittlepianos

    So just so we're clear [Institute's plan]

    Yeah I get what you’re saying. After I posted I thought about how the fact that synths are more like clones than machines might mean that they take less resources (namely, metal) to manufacture. And their infiltration capabilities are certainly useful. At the very least, the Institute should be...
  18. Iprovidelittlepianos

    So just so we're clear [Institute's plan]

    Well, exactly what tasks do they need doing? Digging? Build an excavator bot. Cleaning? Build a roomba. Factory assembly line work? Robotic arms work just fine. Using a computer? If you’ve got that kind of advanced AI, the computer can do everything itself. I just can’t think of many uses for...