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  1. Iprovidelittlepianos

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Yeah, I’ve always thought this too. It really only makes sense if they’re saying that only Australia has completely collapsed by the time of Road Warrior, and then the remaining world powers wiped each other out afterward, but that makes the nuclear war rather pointless since the movies only...
  2. Iprovidelittlepianos

    The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

    Now hold on, I was barely old enough to read when The Phantom Menace came out so I wasn’t hooked into Star Wars fandom, but through cultural osmosis I gathered that it seemed like every Star Wars fan hated the prequels when they were coming out. Kids like me liked it, but it wasn’t until the...
  3. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Fallout renewed for another season

    I find it hard to believe that this show can top Frank Darabount’s run of the Walking Dead. Everyone who shits on it nowadays seems to forget how great that first season was and how groundbreaking it was for a sci-fi/horror TV show to be that high quality. To this day it’s still the greatest...
  4. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Why does Mr. House override Victor?

    What makes even less sense is that whenever I side with the Powder Gangers, Victor joins the fight against me. Doc Mitchell too. Bum leg my ass.
  5. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    You know, it never occurred to me how hilarious it is that House picked those guys to run a casino just because he was nostalgic for the mafia.
  6. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    Also the Galaxy News holodisk in the Sierra Army Depot mentions ICBMs Edit: Maybe it doesn’t. Not sure if I’m misremembering or just being gaslit by the wiki again.
  7. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Five Common Misconceptions about Fallout: The Series

    Why oh why does every keep saying 2077 when they mean 2277? I feel like I’ve seen this typo a hundred times since the show was released.
  8. Iprovidelittlepianos

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Amen brother. I mean, it is kinda weird when you walk into some random house and you see a lady holding a scepter with her tit hanging out. The first time I saw that I assumed I had stumbled upon some important character. Nope, just a generic civilian NPC. But the fact that the Temple of...
  9. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Goddammit, I hate being wrong - showrunners fucked New Vegas

    Uh, no, they can’t make literally anything they want. I’m sure they would rather make a Star Wars TV show because that has a massive pre-existing audience, but they don’t have the rights to that. They could’ve made something original, but that wouldn’t have any pre-existing audience at all. And...
  10. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Goddammit, I hate being wrong - showrunners fucked New Vegas

    They don’t want to use the setting. They want to use the brand. The iconography. If they wanted to use the setting, they wouldn’t pick and choose which parts of the setting they like and toss aside the rest. Caring about this is pointless, I agree with you there, but I don’t see how defending...
  11. Iprovidelittlepianos

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    See, I like Morrowind too, but ever since playing Daggerfall I’ve started to realize that Morrowind was the first example of the now-standard Bethesda formula of taking something from the previous game that needed to be improved and, instead of improving it, just dropping it entirely. Morrowind...
  12. Iprovidelittlepianos

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Eh, not exactly… Arena and Daggerfall are even older than F1 and F2. I’ve only played Daggerfall (the version remade in Unity specifically), and while there’s a lot about it that I enjoy that’s missing from the later games, there’s a lot that isn’t so great. The vast, vast majority of quests are...
  13. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Upcoming 76 Expansion Adds TV Series' Ghoul Serum To The Lore

    Well to be fair, New Vegas did introduce the idea of a pulse gun (not the Fallout 2 version). They had the decency to make it an experimental thing with only one prototype in existence, though.
  14. Iprovidelittlepianos

    The Original Fallout Games Deserve The Diablo 2: Resurrected Treatment

    I’m almost positive that the Steam version has killable kids. They’ve always been killable for me, but I haven’t played for a couple years. As far as Tim Cain’s “limitless positivity” I did hear him mention once that making Fallout 4 about synths, or even having synths exist in the universe at...
  15. Iprovidelittlepianos

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    I can’t help but feel like their games would run a lot smoother if they didn’t feel the need to attach physics to every single piece of clutter in the game. I remember first playing Oblivion and thinking it was so cool that you could pick up anything, kick shit off tables, and so on, but by the...
  16. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Thoughts on the brotherhood?

    Never saw this random encounter, it is pretty cool.
  17. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Goddammit, I hate being wrong - showrunners fucked New Vegas

    I’d say specifically the tracks used for metro tunnels captured the ambient-horror vibe of some of the tracks in the originals fairly well, but most of the surface music was too peaceful sounding for my taste. It was like the Modoc song over and over again. Anyway, @PaxVenire has made a couple...
  18. Iprovidelittlepianos

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    You make fair points regarding fascism’s root in socialist thought, but the thing is you can’t really claim socialism while allowing private ownership of capital. Also, socialism at least pays lip service to the idea that all people should be equal (with some more equal than others…), whereas...
  19. Iprovidelittlepianos

    Goddammit, I hate being wrong - showrunners fucked New Vegas

    To be fair, I seem to remember the plot being that the player would be able to stop the launch of at least some of the nukes, and failing that, would be able to decide which towns get hit and which don’t. I think this would’ve been cool from an RPG design perspective. The player’s skill would...
  20. Iprovidelittlepianos

    My review of Fallout: the Series Season One 9/10

    Yes, that’s a better way of putting it. I could see it going this way too. The main thing is that I find the whole thing more tragic (maybe not the right word) if the powers that be were too incompetent to pull this off and it ended in their destruction as well. Now that we’ve seen the Enclave...