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  1. PsychoSniper

    History of NMA

    Heres some NMA and Fallout history, old .gif testing the first lightsaber .frm in Falout, circa early/mid 2004.
  2. PsychoSniper

    NCR is actually the best ending, isn't it

    House/player really depends on how you've roleplayed that game in my eyes. House will pull dickish moves if he feels them nessacary, which becomes a liability when he controls a region.
  3. PsychoSniper

    How did you discover Fallout ?

    The funny thing is all the hate we gave tactics back in the day, but the Aussies that made it really tried.... unlike some newer installments...
  4. PsychoSniper

    Would Fallout games/media set in alternate endings work?

    Sterile mutants wouls always mean that the masters army would always have a size cap, because wastelanders that can be converted are rare and there is a finite number of vaults. The NCR would never form, shady sands would end up overran, and the BoS would probably be forced to relocate to a new...
  5. PsychoSniper


    Eh, the cali supply should be seperated into farm or domestic lines, the farmers produce food.
  6. PsychoSniper

    NCR is actually the best ending, isn't it

    Excluding the player using yes man to take it all, House is the best ending. The NCR is expanding too quickly, without regard for those it's expanding over, and has too much corruption. House would give them a kick in the pants to get their shit together while keeping them connected to the...
  7. PsychoSniper

    Toront posts old avatars

    Not Not really, a LOT of us were calling bullshit from the second the deal went public. Hell, some of us even raided the bethesda fourms so effectively that they disabled user avatars on their fourms for a bit. Was it goatse avatars.... oddly, no, it was a block of text from an old penny...
  8. PsychoSniper

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Havent posted in this thread in a while.
  9. PsychoSniper

    Toront posts old avatars

    Rosh was a prick, but he was our prick. Dude was a pasionate fan of the game, and a fellow glittering gem of hatred.
  10. PsychoSniper

    How much....

    ... wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
  11. PsychoSniper

    Gun Control

  12. PsychoSniper

    Gun Control

    Thats why Im not really giving a fuck about those two meme worthy lawyers that brandiahed guns at a crowd that are facing charges, fucktards obviously didnt know how to handle them safely, especially the wife. Im not going to really weigh in on their defending their property, it was an allowed...
  13. PsychoSniper

    A look at an IRL tribal society.

    The earrings into fishhooks especially stands out, that shiny gold and silver being used as fishhooks. Itd make for a neat postapoc setting seeing trapings of modern life repurposed for different uses, say a giant serving fork flattened and sharpened as a spear for fishing.
  14. PsychoSniper

    Gun Control

    Hes a pompus ass who thinks he knows best.
  15. PsychoSniper

    A look at an IRL tribal society.

    Someones still salty about loosing an oil rig to a tribal.....
  16. PsychoSniper

    Starting a new restoration patch playthru

    Session 5: Forgot to log yesterday. Nothing much, another san fran run, got more gauss ammo, looted a .223 pistol for sulik, cleared toxic caves and got smiley home, then went back and below, mk2 combat armor for me, sold loot off at san fran, now have more .223 for everyone and more 2mmEC for...
  17. PsychoSniper

    Why didn't Obsidian bring back Wattz laser weapons?

    True, time was more of a constraint as well.
  18. PsychoSniper

    Why didn't Obsidian bring back Wattz laser weapons?

    I never got too into the modding tools for the Bethesda engine, albiet I did once start to edit all the semi autos and revolvers to be 'auto', in the sense that they still have the same rate of fire, you just could then hold down the mouse rather than click rapidly til the next bang. What can I...
  19. PsychoSniper

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    When I have the 'stash twisted up, I have to go landscape to get it all in a selfie.
  20. PsychoSniper

    A look at an IRL tribal society.

    Ok came across a news article about the lost Roanoke colony, and saw a bit that really applies to the general post appoc setting. Nothing major, but I think the dumv savage aspect of tribals has been overdone a little at times...